Tengrinews.kz - Kazhydromet reported the weather forecast for Astana for the next three days - from January 15 to 17.
Weather forecast in Astana
January 15: variable cloudiness, no precipitation. South, southwest wind at night 3-8, during the day 9-14 m/s. Temperature: -10 to -12°C at night, -6 to -8°C during the day.
January 16: variable cloudiness, occasional snow, ground snowstorm. Southwest wind 9-14, gusts 15-20 m/s. Temperature: -10 to -12°C at night, -6 to -8°C during the day.
January 17: cloudiness, occasional snow, ground snowstorm. Southwest wind 9-14 m/s, gusts 15-18 m/s at night. Temperature: -8 to -10°C at night, -5 to -7°C during the day.
Earlier, Kazhydromet issued a warning to residents of Astana. According to weather forecasters, unfavorable meteorological conditions for air pollution are expected in the capital on January 14, 2025.