Tengrinews.kz - As part of the implementation of the Head of State's instruction to revive Almaty as a garden city, the active realization of the large-scale greening program for the metropolis continues. This was announced by Almaty’s akim (governor) Erbolat Dossaev during a session of the city maslikhat, where the budget project for the metropolis for 2025-2027 was being discussed.
One of the key initiatives, said Dossaev, is the "Green Almaty" roadmap, approved in 2022. According to it, by 2030, 2.5 million green plants are to be planted in the metropolis.
"Every year, 320 thousand trees and shrubs are planned to be planted. In 2024, out of the 320 thousand green plants, 224 thousand saplings have already been planted, of which more than 150 thousand are trees and 74 thousand are shrubs. By the end of this year, another 96 thousand saplings will be planted. Additionally, 500 kilometers of automatic irrigation and drip irrigation networks have been installed in 2023-2024, and in 2025, another 290 kilometers of such networks will be installed, amounting to 4.1 billion tenge. This will allow more than one million trees to be covered by the automatic irrigation system," noted Erbolat Dossaev.
Dossaev added that in 2025, the budget for landscaping and greening Almaty will be increased by 40% to 170.5 billion tenge. In 2024, this expenditure item amounted to 121.6 million tenge.
Photo by the press service of the Almaty Akimat
He also mentioned that the "People's Participation Budget" program continues to be implemented in the city, within which 938 projects worth 39.1 billion tenge have been realized over the past three years, including 18.8 billion tenge in 2024. For 2025, the budget allocates 17.1 billion tenge.
"The 'People's Participation Budget' program has become an effective tool for implementing the ideas and wishes of the city's residents, and the Almaty akimat intends to support its development. Based on proposals from the residents of Almaty, within the framework of the program, yard territories, children's and sports playgrounds have been improved, new public spaces and pedestrian zones have been created, and outdoor lighting lines have been installed," concluded Erbolat Dossaev.
Earlier, Dossaev also mentioned that the streets of Almaty will be transformed for the first time according to a new principle "from facade to facade."