April 15-17, Almaty is hosting BarCamp Central Asia 2011, Tengrinews.kz reports. BarCamp Central Asia 2011 is 4th educational [un]conference for New Media professionals (journalists, bloggers, programmers, ITcians, media specialists, web-developers and those, who are somehow devoted to Internet developement). This year about 1500 participants from Central Asia, CIS countries, East and West Europe are attending BarCamp Central Asia 2011, twice more than in 2010. Among the guests and partners of the conference there are representatives of the following international companies - Microsoft, Opera Software, GSM Kazakhstan/Kcell, 188, Dialog Innovations GmbH, Doctor Web, Notamedia, StartUpPoint.ru, WebProjects.ru, Yandex and Google. Microsoft presented its new Internet Explorer 9 and briefed on its capabilities. Yandex presented capabilities of API Yandex (the API allows developers to create applications which interact directly with the Yandex contextual advertising service). Besides, participants were offered a lot of expert advice on promotion of goods and services through social networks and on launching Internet-based projects. The conference also was supported by high scale non-governmental organizations, foundations and educational projects such as Soros Foundation Kyrgyzstan, “Minber” Foundation, Internews Network, citizen media projects Neweurasia.net and Global Voices Online, Frontline Defenders, Tactical Technology Collective, etc. Kazakhstan’s Prime Minister Karim Massimov expressed confidence that the event will facilitate development of the Kazakh sector of the Web. “A warm welcome to all the participants of BarCamp Central Asia 2011. I am confident this event will benefit Kaznet development», he wrote on his Twitter account.
April 15-17, Almaty is hosting BarCamp Central Asia 2011, Tengrinews.kz reports.
BarCamp Central Asia 2011 is 4th educational [un]conference for New Media professionals (journalists, bloggers, programmers, ITcians, media specialists, web-developers and those, who are somehow devoted to Internet developement).
This year about 1500 participants from Central Asia, CIS countries, East and West Europe are attending BarCamp Central Asia 2011, twice more than in 2010.
Among the guests and partners of the conference there are representatives of the following international companies - Microsoft, Opera Software, GSM Kazakhstan/Kcell, 188, Dialog Innovations GmbH, Doctor Web, Notamedia, StartUpPoint.ru, WebProjects.ru, Yandex and Google.
Microsoft presented its new Internet Explorer 9 and briefed on its capabilities. Yandex presented capabilities of API Yandex (the API allows developers to create applications which interact directly with the Yandex contextual advertising service). Besides, participants were offered a lot of expert advice on promotion of goods and services through social networks and on launching Internet-based projects.
The conference also was supported by high scale non-governmental organizations, foundations and educational projects such as Soros Foundation Kyrgyzstan, “Minber” Foundation, Internews Network, citizen media projects Neweurasia.net and Global Voices Online, Frontline Defenders, Tactical Technology Collective, etc.
Kazakhstan’s Prime Minister Karim Massimov expressed confidence that the event will facilitate development of the Kazakh sector of the Web. “A warm welcome to all the participants of BarCamp Central Asia 2011. I am confident this event will benefit Kaznet development», he wrote on his Twitter account.