
Hotel "Almaty"
  Kabanbay Batyr Street, 85
Wedding Palace
  Abai Avenue, 101a
The House of Textiles “Kyzyl Tan”
  Zhibek Zholy Avenue, 63
Park of Soviet Monuments
  The square is located behind the Sary-Arka cinema at Altynsarin Street, 24a
The Monument to Shokan Ualikhanov
  Square of Shevchenko, Pushkin, Zhambyl, and Kunaev streets
“Kazakhstan” Hotel
  Dostyk Avenue, 52/2
Building of the Kazakhstan National Academy of Sciences
  Square of Shevchenko, Pushkin, Kurmangazy, and Kunaev streets
Astana Square
  Located in the city center in the Almaly district on Tole bi street between Panfilov and Abylay Khan streets.
The Republic Palace
  Dostyk Avenue, 56
Issyk Mounds
  These mounds are 60 kilometers away from Almaty.