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Flooding around Bukhtarma generates theories

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Flooding around Bukhtarma generates theories

Rising water in Kazakhstan's Bukhtarma reservoir is flooding recreation centers and several summer cottages situated along the coastline. Many are worried that they would join the ranks of the unlucky ones and their livelihoods will be destroyed.

Residents are blaming the Black Irtysh (Kara-Irtysh) river that has its beginnings in neighboring China. They believe an intergovernmental agreement could help regulate the amount of water in the river feeding the reservoir.

However, the local administration claims it has nothing to do with Black Irtysh but with the fact that some houses were built unlawfully, at a time when the levels in the reservoir were low. Some say that the levels are highest in the past 50 years.

The experts who arrived at the scene claim the critical level has not been reached yet: there is at least 50cm to this mark, which does not signify anything out of the ordinary but is a mere sign that the reservoir is returning to its historical level.

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