How many WWII veterans live in - The Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of Kazakhstan has provided information on the number of World War II veterans living
Tale of two parades as ordinary Chinese barred from displayIt was the best of shows, it was the worst of shows: as 12,000 troops and hundreds of tanks and missiles rolled through Tiananmen Square in front of invited guests and foreign leaders.
Pentagon still searching for its lost WWII veteransLong dead but little forgotten, US soldiers who disappeared across the globe during World War II are being reunited with their loved ones in a dogged push to find and bring home their bodies.
10 August 2015
'English Schindler' Nicholas Winton dies aged 106Nicholas Winton, a Briton who saved hundreds of Jewish children in Prague from the Nazis in the run-up to World War II, has died at the age of 106.
Kazakhstan celebrates 70th anniversary of VictoryToday Kazakhstan celebrates one of the most important holidays – the Victory Day, which commemorates the end of the Great Patriotic War, as the WWII is known in the former Soviet states, and the win of the Soviet Union over the Nazi Germany.
Counter attempts to glorify Nazism: Heads of CISHeads of the CIS countries have delivered an address dedicated to the celebration of the 70th Anniversary of the Victory Day calling the international community to counter attempts to glorify Nazism.
Family, politics shape Putin's view of WWII anniversaryRussian President Vladimir Putin grew up with tales of how his father battled the Nazis as a Red Army soldier and his mother lived through the punishing siege of Leningrad.