Telegram provided user data to Kazakhstan's law enforcement - Telegram has an official Transparency Reports bot that publishes brief reports on instances where user data has been provided
Threads reached 100 million daily active users - According to the company's CEO, Mark Zuckerberg, over 100 million people use Threads daily. Additionally, the platform's monthly
Facebook will warn users of state-sponsored attacks
Facebook followed in Google's footsteps and began warning users when it appears they are targeted by state-sponsored cyber attacks.
Instagram tops 400 million users
Instagram has rocketed past the 400-million-user mark, with more than 80 million pictures shared daily at the Facebook-owned service.
Facebook steps up battle on 'fake likes'
Facebook said it has stepped up its battle against spammers who promise to deliver "likes" to its members, and warned users on using such scams.
Facebook hits 100 million India users, largest after US
Facebook has hit more than 100 million users in India, making it only the second country after the United States to achieve the milestone, the social network company has said.
Yahoo Japan suspects 22 million IDs stolen
Yahoo Japan Corp. has said it suspects up to 22 million user IDs may have been stolen during an unauthorised attempt to access the administrative system of its Yahoo! Japan portal.
Number of Kaznet users reached 6.5 million people
The number of users of Kazakhstan’s Internet segment has reached 6.5 million people.
Top-25 of worst computer passwords: Rating
The list of the most insecure computer passwords of e-mails and social networks' accounts has been published recently.
Kazakhstan exceeded target on Internet users
Kazakhstan Minister of Information and Communications said that density of Internet users reached 41.1 percent in September 2011.
One third of Kazakhstan population uses Internet in 2011
The number of Kazakhstan Internet users reached 34.4 percent of the total country population in Q1 2011.