Small breakthroughs offer big hope of AIDS 'cure'
Small but significant breakthrough studies on people who have been able to overcome or control HIV were presented Thursday at a major world conference on ways to stem the three-decade-old disease.
Sunbed tanning kills 800 in Europe every year: study
Sunbed users run a 20 percent higher risk than non-users of developing skin cancer, according to a report that blamed some 800 melanoma deaths in Europe every year on indoor tanning.
Time to overhaul AIDS strategies for gays - study
Three decades of safe-sex messages to gays have failed to stem the spread of HIV among a population at greater risk of the AIDS virus than heterosexuals, experts warned in The Lancet on Friday.
Massive police state controls N.Korea: study
North Korea's notoriously harsh secret police consists of vast and sometimes competing agencies that will pose a major challenge to any potential attempts at reform.
Fat studies conference challenges supersize stereotypes
Cat Pause proudly describes herself as "fat", can live with euphemisms like "curvy", "chunky" or "chubby", but baulks at what she believes are value-laden labels such as "overweight" or "obese".
U.S. counted Kazakh students in its Universities
Kazakhstan is the leader among Central Asian countries by the number of its students who study in the U.S.
Kazakhstan is regional leader by difference in life expectancy between men and women
Kazakhstan is the leader by difference in life expectancy of men and women. This difference is over 10 years: the study.