Robotic insects take wing in US, but remain on leash US scientists have devised tiny winged robots inspired by flies that could one day help pollinate crops or aid the search for survivors at collapse sites -- once they get off the leash, that is.
Toshiba unveils dog-like robot for Fukushima plant Japanese nuclear reactor maker Toshiba on Wednesday unveiled a remote-controlled robot resembling a headless dog that they hope will be used at the battered Fukushima power plant.
Biomechanical legs are a giant step for robot-kind Scientists in the US say they have made the world's most advanced pair of biomechanical legs, bringing the goal of human-friendly household robots a bit closer.
Titian masterpieces inspire peep show and sexy robot A peep show of seven women named Diana and a "seductive" robot are among the modern works unveiled at London's National Gallery in an exhibition inspired by Renaissance master Titian.