site.news_by_theme real estate

Tengrinews file photo Legalization policy in Kazakhstan brings to light seven new millionaires The ongoing campaign of legalization of property and capital in Kazakhstan has already revealed seven new millionaires.
06 октября 2014
Photo courtesy of Experts challenge legalization effect on capital flight from Kazakhstan The upcoming property legalization in Kazakhstan has received a mixed assessment of its effectiveness for combating capital flight offshore from several experts.
25 июня 2014
Photo courtesy of Legalization law adopted in Kazakhstan Today, the Kazakhstan Parliament рфы adopted the law "On amnesty of citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan, repatriates and persons holding a residence permit in the Republic of Kazakhstan due to legalization of their property".
19 июня 2014
People in Astana don't like new apartments? Astana folks abstain from buying apartments in new buildings.
11 апреля 2014
Kazakhstan has seen 600% growth in prices for housing in the last 12 years As of November 2013, price in Astana, the country’s capital city, stood at $1687 per square meter.
13 января 2014
Sitting on Astana development. © Kazakhstan’s President furious over prices for real estate in Astana Why isn’t the Agency for Competition taking measures to stop that? There should be some margin, but not 5 or 6-fold: President.
27 ноября 2013
© Yaroslav Radlovsky Kazakhstan to introduce mandatory real estate insurance schemes The insurance schemes will be administered by the government-owned non-for-profit State Fund for Real Estate Insurance.
19 сентября 2013
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