site.news_by_theme Protest

Armenia police disperse protest over power price hikes Riot police in the Armenian capital early used water cannon to disperse several hundred demonstrators protesting a government hike in electricity prices.
23 июня 2015
Protesters muzzled at Chinese dog meat festival Campaigners protesting China's annual dog meat festival were forcibly dispersed by unidentified men as they attempted to rally outside a government office.
22 июня 2015
Burundi opposition denounces election commission Burundi's opposition late Friday slammed the election commission for steering the country towards a controversial presidential vote next month.
13 июня 2015
Pussy Riot member arrested at Moscow women's rights demo A member of punk protest group Pussy Riot and a fellow activist were arrested at a demonstration in Moscow demanding better conditions for women held in Russian prisons.
13 июня 2015
Kiev gay rights march ends in injuries, arrests At least 10 people were injured and 25 arrested in Kiev as scuffles broke out between members of a rare Ukrainian gay pride march and their nationalist foes.
07 июня 2015
German anti-Islam movement seeks electoral anchor as rallies dwindle Germany's anti-Islam PEGIDA movement has its sights set on gaining a political foothold when its eastern stronghold city of Dresden goes to the polls.
05 июня 2015
More than 30,000 rally at anti-G7 kick-off demo in Bavaria More than 30,000 people kicked off protests against a G7 summit starting at the weekend in the southern German state of Bavaria.
05 июня 2015
Brazil protesters demand Rousseff impeachment Several hundred protesters gathered in Brasilia to demand the impeachment of President Dilma Rousseff after they completed a 1,000-kilometer (650-mile) march on the capital.
28 мая 2015
Polls open for Irish referendum on gay marriage Polls opened in Ireland for a historic referendum on allowing same-sex marriage that is backed by all the main political parties but opposed by the Catholic Church.
23 мая 2015
Prince to lead peace concert in Baltimore Prince announced a peace concert in Baltimore on Mother's Day after the death in police custody of an African American man sparked sometimes violent protests.
06 мая 2015
Baltimore lifts curfew, National Guard begins pullout Baltimore lifted a curfew that was imposed across the US East Coast city following widespread riots, as thousands of National Guard troops began to pull out.
04 мая 2015
Malaysian opposition activists held after May Day protest More than two dozen protesters including a leading human rights activist and opposition politicians were detained overnight in Malaysia.
02 мая 2015
Hundreds in New York demand justice for Freddie Gray Several hundred people protested in New York demanding police reform and justice for the African-American man who died from injuries sustained in custody in Baltimore.
02 мая 2015
Femen and her father ruin France's Marine Le Pen's big day Bare-chested Femen activists making Nazi salutes disrupted a speech by France's far-right leader Marine Le Pen at her National Front party's traditional May 1 rally in Paris.
02 мая 2015
Hong Kong protester 'beaten by police' slams case delay A Hong Kong pro-democracy protester apparently assaulted by police -- in a beating captured on video.
17 апреля 2015
Brazilians march against Rousseff government Hundreds of thousands of Brazilians took to the streets, venting anger over government corruption and economic drift a month after larger protests gathered.
13 апреля 2015
Hundreds protest Islamic law in Australia Protesters waving Australian flags and carrying signs such as "Yes Australia. No Sharia" rallied around the country.
04 апреля 2015
Mexicans protest six months after 43 students vanished Thousands marched in Mexico City to mark six months since the disappearance of 43 college students.
27 марта 2015
Salvadorans march in memory of slain martyr Romero Thousands of Salvadorans marched in memory of slain archbishop Oscar Romero, who was assassinated 35 years ago during the country's civil war.
25 марта 2015
Brazil's Rousseff pledges talks after mass protests Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff pledged to hold talks with her growing number of critics and said her embattled government needed to show humility.
17 марта 2015

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