site.news_by_theme presidency

Obama travels to US election battleground US President Barack Obama travelled to the political battleground state of Iowa, bringing a pro-middle class message that Democrats hope will resonate in the 2016 election.
15 сентября 2015
Rick Perry drops out of US presidential race Former Texas governor Rick Perry dropped out of the US presidential race, becoming the first casualty in a crowded battle for the Republican Party nomination in 2016.
12 сентября 2015
Clinton ex-staffer invokes right to silence over emails The former Hillary Clinton staffer who helped set up the private email server she used while secretary of state invoked his constitutional right to not answer questions before a US House committee.
11 сентября 2015
Trump surges, Clinton losing to Sanders in Iowa: polls Billionaire Donald Trump has extended his lead over the Republican presidential field, while Democratic overall frontrunner Hillary Clinton now trails underdog Bernie Sanders in the key early voting state of Iowa.
11 сентября 2015
Trump asks CNN to donate ad revenue to veterans Billionaire mogul and White House frontrunner Donald Trump publicly called on CNN to donate revenue from ad sales during the upcoming Republican debate to veterans.
10 сентября 2015
Clinton apologizes for use of private email account Hillary Clinton apologized for using a private email server while secretary of state, calling the decision, which has dogged her Democratic presidential bid, a "mistake."
09 сентября 2015
The candidates vying to be Guatemala's next president Guatemala's tumultuous presidential election is headed for a run-off on October 25 that will pit the surprise frontrunner, a comedian, against either a former first lady or a millionaire businessman, currently neck-and-neck.
08 сентября 2015
Trump slams foreign policy 'gotcha' questions Donald Trump lashed out at a radio reporter for asking him, as the Republican presidential frontrunner, "gotcha" questions about the men who lead Iranian special forces and major radical Islamic organizations.
05 сентября 2015
Once the 2016 standout, Bush now playing catch-up Republican frontrunner Donald Trump's taunt of "sad" rival Jeb Bush -- "he was supposed to win, and he just doesn't have the energy" -- speaks volumes about the billionaire's propensity to go for the jugular.
04 сентября 2015
Trump to Bush: speak English in America Republican frontrunner Donald Trump had a message for his Spanish-speaking rival Jeb Bush as they compete for their party's presidential nomination: lead by "speaking English."
03 сентября 2015
Nursultan Nazarbayev. Photo © Turar Tashkibayev Nazarbayev suggests studying Asian mentality instead of accusing Kazakhstan of autocracy On the eve of the Constitution Day in Kazakhstan, President Nazarbayev commented on accusations of autocracy.
02 сентября 2015
Can Clinton candidacy unravel over her emails? She remains Democrats' best hope to retain the White House, but Hillary Clinton has failed to shake an unremitting email scandal that has dragged down her trustworthiness.
02 сентября 2015
Scores more Clinton emails retroactively classified: official Around 150 more of the emails that former US secretary of state Hillary Clinton kept on a private server have been retroactively deemed classified.
01 сентября 2015
White House: Biden deserves 'time and space' to decide The White House said that Vice President Joe Biden deserved "time and space" to decide whether to launch a presidential run.
28 августа 2015
Trash talk trumps civility on 2016 campaign trail Five months before early primary voting, America's presidential race has devolved into mudslinging, with Republican Donald Trump leading the charge to the bottom by lambasting his many rivals.
27 августа 2015
Jeb Bush: Asians abusing US birthright citizenship Republican White House hopeful Jeb Bush accused Asians of abusing rules allowing infants born in the United States to be American citizens.
25 августа 2015
White House admits Biden mulling 2016 run The White House on Monday acknowledged that Vice President Joe Biden is still weighing a possible run for the top job.
25 августа 2015
Trump sees Clinton, Biden as 'pretty equal' 2016 challengers Vice President Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton would make equally formidable opponents in the race for the White House, Donald Trump said.
24 августа 2015

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