Fukushima plant readies for dangerous fuel rod removalNuclear engineers in Japan are readying to move uranium and plutonium fuel rods at Fukushima in their most difficult and dangerous task since the plant's runaway reactors were brought under control two years ago.
07 November 2013
UN nuclear inspectors in Japan as China demands opennessInspectors from the UN's nuclear watchdog arrived in Tokyo Wednesday to monitor marine pollution near Fukushima as China demanded Japan provide "accurate" information on how it is handling the crisis.
Jordanians fret over 'dangerous' nuclear planJordan's plan to build its first nuclear plant with Russian help has stirred fresh fears and suspicions as experts called for the "dangerous" and "illogical" project to be abandoned.
06 November 2013
Boeing to end C-17 military aircraft program in 2015Boeing announced Wednesday it would end production of its C-17 military transport aircraft in 2015, citing a difficult environment amid government spending cuts.
Toxic puddles discovered at Fukushima nuclear plant Puddles with extremely high radiation levels have been found near water storage tanks at Japan's crippled Fukushima nuclear plant, as it moved to contain the latest of several toxic water threats.
20 August 2013
Fukushima operator pumps out toxic groundwater The operator of the crippled Japanese Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant has started pumping out radioactive groundwater to reduce leakage into the Pacific ocean.
10 August 2013
Chinese herb remedy extract linked to cancer: study A plant extract used in Chinese herbal remedies for arthritis, gout and inflammation has been directly linked to cancer and causes a surprising number of genetic mutations.
Cameron unveils oil and gas plant in Kazakhstan"We're in a global race for jobs and investment. This is one of the most rapidly emerging countries in the world," the prime minister told the BBC in Atyrau on Monday.
Ford to halt car production in Australia in 2016 Ford announced Thursday it would cease making vehicles at its unprofitable Australian plants in 2016 and axe 1,200 jobs, ending an era that began in 1925 with the firm's first local car.