site.news_by_theme National Bank

Chairman of Kazakhstan National Bank Gregory Marchenko. Photo by Yaroslav Radlovskiy© Central Bank Governor Gregory Marchenko may file in his resignation letter Euromoney’s 2003 central bank governor of the year may quit although his tenure only expires in 2015.
28 января 2013
Chairman of Kazakhstan National Bank Gregory Marchenko. Photo by Tengrinews© Central Bank Governor on the upside and downside of the suggested single pension fund According to him, if there is a single pension fund managed directly by the Government or by the National Fund, there will be no deals closed with affiliated companies.
28 января 2013
Central Bank Governor Gregory Marchenko. Vladimir Dmitriyev © National Bank shouldn’t act as both the owner and regulator of the single pension fund: Gregory Marchenko President made the decision to the benefit of the nation (…) and it will be brought to life, Central Bank Governor pledged.
28 января 2013
Photo courtesy of Kazakhstan’s major investor countries and investments destinations announced As of September 30, 2012, the Netherlands were responsible for 1/3 of all the investments into the Kazakh economy ($49 billion), followed by the UK ($24.7 billion) and China ($18.2 billion).
15 января 2013
Tamgaly Petroglyphs comemmorative coins National Bank released Petroglyphs of Tamgaly commemorative coins National Bank of Kazakhstan released two silver Petroglyphs of Tamgaly coins with a nominal value of 500 tenge.
15 января 2013
Photo by Yaroslav Radlovskiy© Kazakhstan National Bank's 2013 inflation and GDP forecasts According to Kazakhstan National Bank, the country’s inflation will stay within 6-8 percent, while the GDP growth may reach 6 percent.
10 января 2013
©REUTERS Kazakhstan’s gross foreign debt as of September 30, 2012 made up $134.9 billion Foreign debt of the banking sector for the period from January to September 2012 fell down by 3.9% to $14.03 billion.
04 января 2013
Commemorative coin, dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the CSTO National Bank released CSTO commemorative silver coins National Bank released commemorative silver proof quality coins with a nominal value of 500 tenge, dedicated to the CSTO anniversaries.
27 декабря 2012
Kazakhstan President Nursultan Nazarbayev. © President Nazarbayev calls to spend within capacities to bring the budget deficit to its possible minimum We need a favorable tax regime to support industrial production, new technologies and overall industrialization efforts: President Nazarbayev.
14 декабря 2012
The Year of the Snake commemorative coin from the Oriental Calendar series The Year of the Snake commemorative coins released in Kazakhstan The National Bank of Kazakhstan announced release of The Year of the Snake commemorative gold and silver coins.
10 декабря 2012
Toughening of the country’s retirement legislation may cause social tensions We have to admit the country’s pension system has faced a crisis. Peniosn funds are ineffective in managing the money. Inflation is eating the accumulations, a Majilisman believes.
21 ноября 2012
Gregory Marchenko. By Vladimir Dmitriev © Central Bank Governor reports to President Nazarbayev At the meeting they dwelt on ways to expand lending through attracting fund from pension funds, insurance companies and foreign investors.
14 ноября 2012
Photo courtesy of Kazakhstan National Bank's gold reserves increased by 30 percent Share of gold in the gold and currency reserves of Kazakhstan's central bank increased by 30 percent from the beginning of the year.
01 ноября 2012
Commemorative Eagle-owl coin. Kazakhstan National Bank released eagle-owl coin with diamond The National Bank of Kazakhstan has released commemorative Eagle-Owl and Panther coins.
19 октября 2012
Kazakhstan’s Central Bank Governor criticizing those taking consumer loans According to him, people tend to overestimate their earning abilities.
10 октября 2012
Central Bank Governor Gregory Marchenko. © Yaroslav Radlovsky Kazakhstan’s international reserves grow to $85.5 billion According to the Central Bank Governor, since the start of the year $2.2 billion has been channeled to fill the National Oil Fund.
08 октября 2012
Photo courtesy of Kazakhstan residents prefer loans in tenge According to the National Bank, of Kazakhstan the share of the loans issued in tenge exceeded 68 percent and made over 6.4 trillion tenge ($42 billion) as of September.
02 октября 2012
Photo courtesy of Kazakhstan residents have almost $32 billion on bank deposits A majority of the deposits is registered in Almaty: over 2.1 trillion tenge ($14 billion) or 45 percent of the total amount.
02 октября 2012
Nursultan Nazarbayev. © Daniyal Okassov Kazakhstan’s Central Bank Governor tasked with further reforming the pension system Earlier reported that Mr. Marchenko doesn’t support the World Bank’s suggestion on launching a single pension fund.
17 сентября 2012
Photo courtesy of Kazakhstan’s National Oil Fund assets might be used to finance S&MBs With the assets of the National Oil Fund used to finance S&MBs, the APR could stand at 6-7%.
16 августа 2012

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