site.news_by_theme Kazakhstan
Almaty airport to be expanded by November 2012
Almaty airport will add 3 thousand square meters by November 2012.
30 August 2012
Boxing: Sapiyev passed Val Barker Trophy to Kulibayev
The Val Barker Trophy won by Kazakhstan's Olympic champion boxer Serik Sapiyev has been delivered to Kazakhstan from the UK.
30 August 2012
Akim of Pavlodar oblast awarded the participants of London Olympic Games
Six Pavlodar oblast residents who participated in the London Olympic Games were awarded in Pavlodar.
30 August 2012
Construction of nuclear power station in Kazakhstan requires brain of mankind: Japanese deputy
Hiroyuki Moriyama shared his opinion on construction of a nuclear power station in Kazakhstan and the possible placement of the nuclear fuel bank in the country.
30 August 2012
Japan thanked Kazakhstan for help after earthquake
Speaking at the rally in Semei, deputy of Japanese parliament Hiroyuki Moriyama thanked Kazakhstan for its help after the earthquake.
30 August 2012
Kazakhstan is celebrating Constitution Day
Kazakhstan is celebrating the Constitution Day this Thursday, August 30.
30 August 2012
U.S. Congressman once again suggested to nominate Nazarbayev for Nobel Peace Prize
On March 7, 2012 the people of the Marshall Islands adopted a resolution calling to award President Nazarbayev with the Nobel Peace Prize: Congressman.
30 August 2012
Nazarbayev named reasons of global nuclear security erosion
First of all, there is no universal regime of non-proliferation of nuclear weapons; new nuclear and some so-called threshold countries remain outside of the existing Treaty: Nursultan Nazarbayev.
29 August 2012
Kazakhstan renounced nuclear legacy in spite of tough opposition of the USSR military headquarters: President Nazarbayev
President Nazarbayev assured that following the collapse of the USSR Kazakhstan did have experts and all the infrastructure to keep on the military nuclear projects.
29 August 2012
Nuclear-free world doesn’t imply renunciation of peaceful use of nuclear energy: President Nazarbayev
According to him, peaceful use of nuclear energy translates into tackling poverty, unemployment and food shortages for many.
29 August 2012
Kazakhstan launches ATOM international project
Nuclear weapons are suicidal for the humanity. Suicide, being a direct challenge to the Creator, is condemned by all global religions. From this point of view, having military nuclear power is an absolute blasphemy: Nazarbayev.
29 August 2012
Japanese deputies nominated Nazarbayev for Nobel Peace Prize
During the rally Japanese deputy declared that many of his colleagues are nominating President Nazarbayev for the Nobel Peace Prize: official.
29 August 2012
PHOTO: Anti-nuclear rally was held in the rain in Semei
A rally was held in Semei as part of the International conference called From Nuclear Test Ban to Nuclear Weapons Free World.
29 August 2012
Kazakhstan President to render official visit to Austria
Ambassadors of foreign countries presented their credentials to Kazakhstan President Nursultan Nazarbayev in Astana.
29 August 2012
Astana hosts anti-nuclear conference
International conference called From Nuclear Test Ban to Nuclear Weapons Free World has kicked off in the Independence Palace in Astana.
29 August 2012
Football: 10-y.o. Kazakhstan player to study in Chertanovo Football School
Russian coaches from CSKA, Lokomotiv and Chertanovo Football School took an interest in a 10-y.o. player from Kazakhstan.
29 August 2012
Kazakhstan increases military spendings
Kazakhstan's defense expenditures will exceed 1 trillion tenge ($8.6 billion) in 2013-2015.
29 August 2012
Foresters keep quenching smoldering trees on Mokhnatka mount
40 foresters continue quenching smoldering roots and trunks of trees on Mokhnatka mount in Ile-Alatau national park.
29 August 2012
Maya Maneza: I am not going to leave Kazakhstan
Kazakhstan weightlifter Maya Maneza, who won Olympic gold, said she would stay in Kazakhstan, because she considers Kazakhstan her home.
29 August 2012