Study says wind could power the whole world
There's enough wind to power the world many times over, according to a study out Monday, but it would take a massive infrastructure investment to harness it that analysts say is not realistic.
Robben Island penguins hit by fuel from wrecked tanker
Fuel leaking from a Turkish freighter wreck that has been smashed up by a storm has contaminated at least five penguins on South Africa's Robben Island.
Construction of nuclear power station in Kazakhstan requires brain of mankind: Japanese deputy
Hiroyuki Moriyama shared his opinion on construction of a nuclear power station in Kazakhstan and the possible placement of the nuclear fuel bank in the country.
Kazakhstan bans export of oil products
Kazakhstan government has introduced a ban on export of several oil products for 6 months.
Kazakhstan almost caught up with United States in fuel prices
Kazakhstan's fuel prices are approaching the ones in the U.S.
Marchenko believes fuel prices drop possible
Head of Kazakhstan National Bank believes that the fuel prices in Kazakhstan have to go down amid the global oil prices drop.
International nuclear fuel bank is not feasible for Kazakhstan
The nuclear fuel bank is a political and an image-making project showing Kazakhstan's strive to creating an open nuclear security system: expert.
Massimov and Medvedev to discuss fuel and energy cooperation in Saint-Petersburg
Prime-Ministers of Kazakhstan and Russia will discuss further cooperation in fuel and energy sector in Saint-Petersburg on June 15.
International nuclear fuel bank may be launched in Kazakhstan in summer 2013
Prep works are under way at the Ulba metallurgical plant [engaged in production of hi-tech uranium, beryllium and tantalum products for the needs of the nuclear power industry] to host the bank: Head of the State Agency for Nuclear Power Industry.
Ulbinsk Plant selected as Nuclear Fuel Bank location
Experts checked both platforms and decided that Ulbinsk factory was the most suitable location: KazAtomProm head.
Kazakhstan Oil and Gas Ministry is not allowed a large fuel prices raise
Kazakhstan Oil and Gas Ministry is not allowed a large increase of the fuel prices.
Fuel prices went up in Kazakhstan
Kazakhstan Natural Monopolies Regulation Agency set the ceiling prices for fuel.
Fuel prices decreased 12 percent for sowing campaign
Kazakhstan Minister of Agriculture reported on preparation for the sowing season at the selector meeting in the government.
Mynbayev explained reasons behind high air fares for local flights in Kazakhstan
Kazakhstan Minister of Oil and Gas Sauat Mynbayev explained the reason behind high prices for local flights.
Petrol sold in Kazakhstan does not always comply with claimed quality: Industry Ministry
Commission for Technical Regulation and Metrology stated big number of detected violations during retail sales of fuel in 2011.
Fuel prices in Kazakhstan to remain unchanged in March
Fuel prices ceiling will remain at the same level as in February in Kazakhstan.
Kazakhstan fuel stations ask to lessen the difference between fuel prices in Russia and Kazakhstan
Owners of Kazakhstan fuel stations call for less difference in fuel prices between Kazakhstan and Russia.
Gazprom Neft buys Kazakhstan fuel stations firm
Management of Gazprom Neft made a decision to approve the purchase of 100-percent stake in Kazakhstan’s Sanol Invest.