Facebook steps up battle on 'fake likes'Facebook said it has stepped up its battle against spammers who promise to deliver "likes" to its members, and warned users on using such scams.
New comic book stars Facebook COO Sheryl SandbergThe life of billionaire Facebook executive and "Lean In" author Sheryl Sandberg has been distilled into a 32-page comic book set for release this week.
Facebook rolls out 'privacy checkup'Facebook began rolling out its "privacy checkup" aimed at helping users of the huge social network better manage sharing their information.
Facebook tuning mobile search at social networkFacebook said it is dabbling with letting members using smartphones or tablets search for past posts of friends at the leading online social network
Facebook awards 'Internet Defense Prize'Facebook awarded a Internet Defense Prize to a pair of researchers with a viable approach to detecting vulnerabilities in Web applications.
21 August 2014
Facebook helps readers tell truth from fictionFacebook said that it is testing a way to let members know when articles posted to the social network are tongue-in-cheek instead of hand-on-heart.
Facebook testing on-screen button for buyingFacebook said it was testing a feature that lets users of the leading social network make purchases by simply pressing an on-screen "Buy" button.
Facebook under fire over 'creepy' secret studyFacebook secretly manipulated the feelings of 700,000 users to understand "emotional contagion" in a study that prompted anger and forced the social network giant on the defensive.
30 June 2014
Facebook names 'mobile messaging' chiefFacebook announced Monday it hired the top executive of eBay's PayPal division to lead the social network's efforts to boost its mobile messaging.
11 June 2014
CIA joins Twitter, FacebookThe secretive US spy agency joined the world of social media Friday, and quickly had the Twitterverse talking.
US kidnap, sex abuse victim found alive after 10 yearsCalifornia police have arrested a 41-year-old man accused of kidnapping a teenager and sexually abusing her for a decade, after the alleged victim got in touch via Facebook.