site.news_by_theme Europe

Ukraine PM calls second Russia-Germany pipeline 'anti-European' Ukrainian Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk criticised as "anti-Ukrainian and anti-European" a deal between Russia's energy giant Gazprom and several Western firms to build a second gas pipeline under the Baltic Sea.
11 сентября 2015
'Mama Merkel' cheered by Syrians at refugee centre Chancellor Angela Merkel won a hero's welcome as she visited a Berlin migrant centre, with Syrians cheering and taking selfies as Germany threw open its doors to thousands of refugees.
11 сентября 2015
450,000 refugees arrived in Germany since January: vice chancellor Around 450,000 refugees have arrived in Germany so far this year, including 37,000 in the first eight days of September, Vice Chancellor Sigmar Gabriel told parliament.
10 сентября 2015
Catalans to hold mass rally in push for independence from Spain Catalan separatists hold a massive rally in Barcelona in favour of independence that will kick off campaigning for a regional election billed as a de facto referendum on secession from Spain.
10 сентября 2015
Hollande, Merkel, Putin, Poroshenko to hold October summit on Ukraine The leaders of France, Germany, Russia and Ukraine agreed to hold an October summit on ending the conflict in Ukraine.
10 сентября 2015
Migrants breach Hungary police lines as army prepares for action Hundreds of migrants broke through police lines in Hungary near the Serbian border for a third day running, as the army began mobilising for a possible role in guarding the frontier.
10 сентября 2015
Elizabeth II marks record reign with little fanfare Britain celebrated Queen Elizabeth II becoming the country's longest-reigning monarch, a milestone the 89-year-old herself downplayed as "not one to which I have ever aspired."
10 сентября 2015
'Unlawful' vote in rebel-run areas would breach Ukraine peace deal: PM Ukrainian Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk warned that any attempt to hold "unlawful" elections in rebel-run areas in the country's east would constitute a breach of a February peace deal.
10 сентября 2015
'Tired but happy': refugees arrive in France from Germany A first group of around 50 refugees arrived in France from Germany as Paris tries to ease pressure on its neighbour, which has received the bulk of the migrants streaming into Europe.
10 сентября 2015
Leaders' debate heats up Greek election campaign Greece's snap election campaign heats up Wednesday with a televised debate between the main party leaders, the first since 2009.
09 сентября 2015
Elizabeth II: Britain's constant in an ever-changing world After reigning through the decline of the British empire and some of the worst scandals in royal history, Queen Elizabeth II is set to become Britain's longest-serving monarch.
09 сентября 2015
EU chief calls human traffickers 'murderers', urges crackdown EU president Donald Tusk urged a crackdown on the "murderers" among human traffickers who have killed scores of people trying to reach Europe from conflicts abroad.
09 сентября 2015
Merkel calls for flexibility in EU migrant quotas German Chancellor Angela Merkel said a European Commission plan to relocate refugees from overstretched EU states was "an important first step".
09 сентября 2015
Denmark sends first group of refugees back to Germany Denmark has sent back a first group of refugees who arrived from Germany, Danish police said Tuesday, with others expected to follow.
09 сентября 2015
Greece mulls denying use of airspace to Russia planes carrying supplies to Syria The United States has asked Greece to ban Russian supply flights to Syria from its airspace, amid growing US fears that Moscow is increasing its military backing for Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.
08 сентября 2015
Cameron suffers defeat in Commons vote on EU referendum bill British Prime Minister David Cameron suffered an embarrassing defeat in parliament over how the referendum he has called on leaving the European Union will be conducted.
08 сентября 2015
EU's Tusk warns of long-term 'exodus' in migrant crisis EU President Donald Tusk warned that the migration crisis affecting Europe was part of an "exodus" from war-torn hotspots that could last years.
08 сентября 2015
Journalist with Kommersant newspaper Oleg Kashin. ©RIA Novosti Russian journalist names attackers in 2010 near-fatal beating Russian journalist Oleg Kashin released the names of three men charged with carrying out a savage beating that left him close to death in 2010.
08 сентября 2015
Greece's Lesbos 'near explosion' with over 15,000 refugees: minister The Greek island of Lesbos is "on the verge of explosion" with violence erupting as the more than 15,000 mainly Syrian refugees push local resources to the limit.
08 сентября 2015
Prince Ali says FIFA leaders knew of corruption Prince Ali bin al Hussein, who led a challenge against Sepp Blatter this year, hit out at FIFA leaders links to corruption ahead of his entry into the FIFA presidential race.
08 сентября 2015

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