site.news_by_theme Europe

Separatists win absolute majority of seats in Catalan vote: exit poll Separatists pushing to make Catalonia independent from Spain were on track to win an absolute majority of parliamentary seats in a regional election.
28 сентября 2015
Britain's Cameron calls for talks on Syria transition British Prime Minister David Cameron called for discussions on how to bring about political transition in Syria as he prepares to meet world leaders at the United Nations General Assembly.
28 сентября 2015
Blatter, Platini risk suspension amid FIFA ethics probe The future of embattled FIFA president Sepp Blatter and his heir-apparent Michel Platini was in play, as they faced scrutiny by the football world body's ethics committee.
28 сентября 2015
Britain's Emily Watson honoured at San Sebastian festival British actress Emily Watson, who starred in "Angela's Ashes" and "The Book Thief", was honoured with a lifetime achievement award at the San Sebastian film festival in Spain.
26 сентября 2015
Sarkozy backs 'united Spain' amid Catalan independence bid Former French president Nicolas Sarkozy appealed for a "united Spain" in Barcelona as campaigning wrapped up for a regional election in Catalonia framed as an indirect vote on independence.
26 сентября 2015
Tesla boss Musk calls for 'random emission' testing Tesla chief executive Elon Musk called for fossil fuel-powered cars "to be tested at random," as German giant Volkswagen's worldwide pollution cheating scandal continues.
26 сентября 2015
UN chief says EU must do more to address migrant crisis UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon welcomed the European Union's decision to inject $1 billion to help countries overwhelmed by Syrian refugees.
25 сентября 2015
Sir Elton John. ©REUTERS Putin calls Elton John - and this time it's real says Kremlin Vladimir Putin called pop star Elton John and suggested a meeting, after the British singer was tricked last week by a prankster impersonating the Russian leader.
25 сентября 2015
David Beckham launches UN appeal to protect kids Football legend, male model and father of four David Beckham went to UN headquarters in New York to call on world leaders to end violence against children.
25 сентября 2015
Putin to America: 'Don't call me a Czar' Russian President Vladimir Putin said Americans should not think of him as an autocratic "czar" and praised their openness and creativity, in an interview ahead of a trip to New York.
25 сентября 2015
Germanwings, Lufthansa heads remember France crash victims The heads of the firm and parent company Lufthansa gathered near the crash scene to remember victims in France.
25 сентября 2015
Porsche chief Mueller to take the wheel at VW: report The head of German luxury sports car maker Porsche, Matthias Mueller, has been picked to succeed Martin Winterkorn as the chief executive of scandal-battered auto giant Volkswagen.
25 сентября 2015
Obama urges European allies to accept 'fair share' of refugees US President Barack Obama pressed European nations to take their "fair share" of refugees, after the EU reluctantly reached an agreement designed to halt a destabilizing humanitarian crisis.
23 сентября 2015
Greek PM Tsipras unveils new cabinet, Tsakalotos gets finance Greece's newly-elected Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras unveiled his new government, giving the crisis-hit country's key finance portfolio to Euclid Tsakalotos.
23 сентября 2015
Slovak PM refuses EU 'diktat' on migrant quotas Slovakia's leftist Prime Minister Robert Fico said he would rather risk infringing EU rules than implement mandatory refugee quotas adopted by the bloc.
23 сентября 2015
Netanyahu, Putin agree plan to avoid Syria clashes Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Russian President Vladimir Putin have agreed on a plan to avoid "misunderstandings" in Syria.
22 сентября 2015
French minister urges 'Europe-wide' probe after VW scandal France's finance minister called for a "Europe-wide" probe after revelations that hundreds of thousands of Volkswagen diesel cars had software that secretly thwarts US pollution tests.
22 сентября 2015
Burberry hits London Fashion Week with leather and lace British fashion heavyweight Burberry Prorsum summoned a biker spirit as it presented the Spring/Summer 2016 collection at London Fashion Week.
22 сентября 2015
Russia still arming Ukraine rebels despite truce: NATO chief Russia is still sending weapons to separatist rebels battling the Ukrainian government despite a fresh truce in the war-torn east of the country.
22 сентября 2015
Greek PM calls for 'shared responsibility' on migrant crisis Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras, who returned to power after Sunday's election, called for "shared" European responsibility in tackling the migrant crisis facing the bloc.
22 сентября 2015

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