site.news_by_theme Europe

Hundreds of Greece-bound refugees blocked in Turkey for second day Around 1,000 refugees remained stranded in the northwestern Turkish city of Edirne, near the Greek border, after being barred by Turkish authorities.
16 сентября 2015
Fans flock to honour queen of crime fiction Agatha Christie Agatha Christie fans have descended on her hometown of Torquay on the English Riviera for the 125th anniversary of the murder master's birth.
16 сентября 2015
EU's Tusk mulls special migration summit, decision Thursday EU president Donald Tusk said he would consider requests by German Chancellor Angela Merkel and others for an emergency summit on migrants and decide later this week.
16 сентября 2015
Hungary plans anti-migrant fence along Romania border too Hungary plans to build a fence to keep migrants out along part of its border with Romania in addition to the barrier being erected along the frontier with Serbia.
16 сентября 2015
Hungary calls for migrant aid as EU nations squabble Hungary's populist prime minister called for a massive aid package to be given to countries around war-wracked Syria to help stem the flow of migrants to Europe.
15 сентября 2015
EU fails to reach migrant deal as countries impose border checks EU ministers failed to reach agreement on a quota plan to share the burden of a flood of refugees.
15 сентября 2015
Greek leaders question EU migration policy, seek room to amend bailout The two main candidates for the Greek premiership in this weekend's snap election questioned the EU's migration policy.
15 сентября 2015
Hollande says air strikes against IS in Syria 'necessary' French President Francois Hollande, whose country is carrying out surveillance flights over Syria, said it would be "necessary" to carry out air strikes against Islamic State militants there.
15 сентября 2015
Pope feels 'used' by fake friends Pope Francis says he has felt "used" by people claiming to be his friend since he became pontiff, in a radio interview touching on the personal side of his papacy.
15 сентября 2015
A voter at Polling Station No.112 in Gudermes on Unified Election Day. ©RIA Novosti Russia votes in local polls as opposition claims mass fraud As Russians voted in local elections set to confirm the ruling party's dominance, the opposition reported mass vote rigging and police stormed the office of independent vote monitors.
14 сентября 2015
London march urges UK change of heart on refugees Tens of thousands of people marched through London in protest against Britain's refugee policy, with new Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn attending in his first political engagement only hours after being elected.
14 сентября 2015
Merkel wants 'binding' EU refugee quotas with no ceiling German Chancellor Angela Merkel urged the EU to agree to a proportional distribution of refugees with no limits on actual numbers, going much further than plans unveiled by the European Commission.
14 сентября 2015
France urges EU members to 'scrupulously' respect Schengen rules France called for the "scrupulous respect by all European Union countries" of rules setting out the bloc's borderless Schengen zone.
14 сентября 2015
British PM says Labour under Corbyn threat to UK security Prime Minister David Cameron said that veteran socialist Jeremy Corbyn's election to the Labour leadership made the main opposition party a threat to Britain's national security.
14 сентября 2015
German minister urges change in EU's policy towards Syria Germany's Interior Minister Thomas de Maiziere said Europe should stop looking on helplessly as "murder" rages on in Syria, as he called on the bloc to review its strategy on the conflict.
14 сентября 2015
1.4 mn people at Catalan independence demo: city police Some 1.4 million people joined a march demanding independence for the Catalonia region from Spain, Barcelona city police said.
12 сентября 2015
Hungary PM defends police handling of 'rebel' migrants Prime Minister Viktor Orban defended Hungarian police against accusations of maltreating refugees, saying the migrants had "rebelled" against Hungarian law.
12 сентября 2015
Poroshenko says Russia threat to 'entire democratic world' Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko accused Russia of challenging the "entire democratic world" by annexing Crimea and allegedly arming separatist rebels in the east of his ex-Soviet state.
11 сентября 2015
Catalan leader vows vote can steer 'political future' Catalan leader Artur Mas kicked off campaigning for a regional election billed as an indirect poll on independence from Spain by urging voters to determine their "political future".
11 сентября 2015
Netanyahu seeks UK support against 'militant Islam' Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu sought Britain's cooperation to "turn back the tide of militant Islam" as he met Prime Minister David Cameron in London.
11 сентября 2015

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