site.news_by_theme Europe

Vincenzo Nimbali, the captain of Astana Pro Team. Photo © Bettini Photo Nibali of Astana Pro Team wins Tre Valli Varesine Vincenzo Nibali, the captain of Kazakhstan's Astana Pro Team celebrates the victory in Tre Valli Varesine race.
01 октября 2015
Europe risks being 'destabilized' by migrant crisis: Hungary PM Hungary's Prime Minister Viktor Orban warned at the United Nations that Europe will be "destabilized" if the mass flows of migrants and refugees continue unabated.
01 октября 2015
VW revs up recall plan, hunts for culprits in pollution scam German auto giant Volkswagen shifted up a gear in its plans to recall millions of cars fitted with pollution-cheating software as it boosted efforts to find the masterminds behind the scam.
01 октября 2015
Western fears that air strikes don't target IS 'unfounded': Russia Russia rejected accusations that Moscow had bombed moderate rebel factions fighting President Bashar al-Assad instead of Islamic State fighters and had hit civilians.
01 октября 2015
'Who likes to pay tax? You don't, I don't': IMF chief The head of the International Monetary Fund, Christine Lagarde, does not enjoy paying taxes and made that clear at a conference in Washington.
01 октября 2015
Kerry: US not against Russian strikes, but Assad must go The United States does not oppose Russian air strikes in Syria if they target the Islamic State group, but Bashar al-Assad must step down.
01 октября 2015
Platini "still determined" to run for FIFA presidency UEFA chief Michel Platini is "still determined" to run for the FIFA presidency as successor to Sepp Blatter in next February's elections, despite "doubts" about his integrity.
30 сентября 2015
Putin wins parliament approval for Syria air strikes Russian President Vladimir Putin won permission from parliament to carry out air strikes in Syria.
30 сентября 2015
Catalan leader slams lawsuit over breakaway vote Catalonia's president Artur Mas accused the Spanish government of suing him because its "pride was hurt" by his bids to let his region vote on independence from Spain.
30 сентября 2015
Russia to propose draft UN Security Council resolution on 'battling terrorism' Russia will propose a United Nations Security Council resolution on fighting "terrorism", deputy foreign minister Mikhail Bogdanov was quoted as saying by RIA Novosti news agency.
30 сентября 2015
Germany pledges 100 mln euros for refugees Germany committed an additional 100 million euros ($113 million) to UN agencies to improve assistance for refugees in their home regions.
30 сентября 2015
Hungary PM aims to meet Ban before mooted border closure Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban aims to meet UN chief Ban Ki-moon in New York this week ahead of a possible closure to thousands of migrants of the EU country's border with Croatia.
29 сентября 2015
VW says 1.8 mn commercial vehicles fitted with emission-cheating software German auto giant Volkswagen said that 1.8 million of its commercial vehicles worldwide are fitted with the sophisticated software enabling them to cheat emission tests.
29 сентября 2015
NATO chief worried about Russian military build-up in Syria NATO General Philip Breedlove expressed concern Monday about the strength of Russia's military build-up in northwestern Syria and the apparent creation of a defensive "bubble" in the Mediterranean.
29 сентября 2015
France cautiously backs Putin call for Syria coalition France gave cautious backing at the United Nations to a call from Russian President Vladimir Putin for a "broad coalition" to fight the Islamic State group in Syria.
29 сентября 2015
Armani looks back to the future Giorgio Armani had three important things to say: yes, he can do colours other than grey and beige, no, he is going nowhere and no, he has not had a nose job.
29 сентября 2015
Tengrinews file photo Less than a quarter of cancer patients have access to safe surgery: study Fewer than a quarter of the 15 million people diagnosed with cancer worldwide this year have access to safe and proper surgery.
29 сентября 2015
Sergey Nurtayev. Photo courtesy of New Ambassador of Kazakhstan to Italy appointed President Nursultan Nazarbayev has appointed Sergey Nurtayev the new Ambassador of Kazakhstan to Italy.
28 сентября 2015
Thousands back opposition call for Montenegro govt to quit Around 3,000 people rallied in the Montenegrin capital of Podgorica to back an opposition call for the left-wing government of Prime Minister Milo Djukanovic to resign.
28 сентября 2015
Pro-Kremlin party suffers rare defeat in local election Russian President Vladimir Putin's ruling party suffered a rare election defeat when its candidate for governor of the Irkutsk region of Siberia lost to a Communist candidate.
28 сентября 2015

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