site.news_by_theme Europe

Lennon fans mark 75th birthday with Central Park sing-in John Lennon fans marked what would have been the slain Beatle's 75th birthday with a sing-in of his greatest tunes in New York's Central Park.
10 октября 2015
Cameron and Merkel meet with EU on the menu British Prime Minister David Cameron welcomed German Chancellor Angela Merkel to his country residence to discuss Britain's future in the European Union, amongst other topics.
10 октября 2015
Photo © REUTERS Can Kazakhstan keep Netherlands out of Euro 2016? Kazakhstan's national football team plays against the Netherlands at the UEFA Euro Qualifiers in Astana on October 10
09 октября 2015
Blatter fights ban amid FIFA turmoil FIFA president Sepp Blatter appealed against the 90 day ban that forced him out of office, a report said as world football's sleaze-tainted governing body headed into months of turmoil over how to find a new leader.
09 октября 2015
Pope deplores 'escalation of violence' in MidEast, urges action Pope Francis deplored the "escalation of violence affecting innocent civilians" in the Middle East, from Syria to Iraq, Jerusalem and the West Bank, and urged the international community to act.
09 октября 2015
UN council to vote Friday on EU action against migrant smugglers The UN Security Council will vote on Friday on a draft resolution authorizing European military action against migrant smugglers in the high seas off Libya's coast.
09 октября 2015
Platini hits out at 'insidious' suspension leaks UEFA leader Michel Platini hit out at "insidious" leaks claiming he faces a 90-day suspension from world football's governing body FIFA.
08 октября 2015
Europe needs to 'crack down' on asylum abuse: Britain The EU must speed up deportation of economic migrants and "crack down" on abuse of its asylum system, British interior minister Theresa May said as ministers met to discuss Europe's refugee and migrant crisis.
08 октября 2015
Baby Francesca 'princess of migrants', symbol of hope Dubbed "the princess of migrants", a Nigerian baby born on the Italian ship that rescued her mother in the Mediterranean has become a symbol of hope for those braving the perilous crossing in search of a new life.
08 октября 2015
Greece's new Syriza-led govt survives no-confidence vote The government of Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras survived a no-confidence vote, bolstering the left-wing leader as he gets down to implementing reforms demanded by creditors.
08 октября 2015
'Back in the game' Putin marks birthday with eye on Syria, hockey exploits Vladimir Putin marked his 63rd birthday dividing his attention between hockey and Syria as supporters sang his praises, comparing him to a range of heroic figures from Buddha to Batman.
08 октября 2015
UK's Cameron opens Conservative succession race British Prime Minister David Cameron fired the starting pistol in the race to replace him as leader of the Conservatives, outlining his programme in the time he has left.
08 октября 2015
Merkel says EU's asylum rules 'obsolete' German Chancellor Angela Merkel described as "obsolete" European Union asylum rules that put the onus on EU states where migrants first arrive to process their refugee claim
08 октября 2015
Poroshenko says 'real truce' has begun in Ukraine President Petro Poroshenko said a "real truce" had begun in Ukraine but that a long-lasting peace with pro-Russian insurgents would still take some time.
07 октября 2015
Chung says will start "embezzlement" case against Blatter FIFA presidential candidate Chung Mong-Joon said he plans to start legal action against world football leader Sepp Blatter who he slammed as "a hypocrite and a liar."
07 октября 2015
Crisis-hit Russia toiling to keep factory towns alive The hulking Soviet-era mineral refinery in Pikalyovo, one of Russia's hundreds of factory towns hit by a crippling economic crisis, has been a blessing, and at times a curse, for a place dependent on a single industry.
07 октября 2015
©REUTERS Facebook blow as EU court quashes transatlantic data deal Facebook and other Internet giants could be barred from sending European citizens' personal information to the US.
07 октября 2015
Hollande warns Air France violence 'could harm country's image' French President Francois Hollande said scenes of Air France executives fleeing an angry mob after having their shirts ripped off by striking workers were "unacceptable" and put the country's image at risk.
07 октября 2015
FIFA head hopeful accuses Blatter of smear FIFA presidential hopeful Chung Mong-Joon on Tuesday accused Sepp Blatter of trying to smear him via the body's ethics committee, in a bid to force the South Korean to drop his candidacy.
06 октября 2015
Turkey urges EU action on Syria to end migrant crisis Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan urged the EU consider a no-fly zone and safe haven area in Syria during talks to address Europe's spiralling migrant crisis.
06 октября 2015

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