Canadian astronaut floats through chat with kids The Canadian commander of the International Space Station delighted schoolchildren in a live question and answer session conducted from space on Friday.
Nordic women at home in the workplace A highly-educated woman who becomes a stay-at-home mum is a "complete waste" of a university degree, Danish Prime Minister Helle Thorning-Schmidt, herself a mother-of-two, lashed out in a British newspaper interview last year.
Egyptian University Nur-Mubarak renamedEgyptian University of the Islamic Culture Nur-Mubarak in Almaty changed its name to Kazakh-Egyptian Islamic University Nur.
05 March 2013
Croatia Catholic Church in anti-sex education campaign Freshly introduced sexual education classes in Croatia's schools has split the EU-bound country as the powerful Catholic Church challenges the centre-left government over its newest addition to the curriculum.
US student could "doodle" way to college money Google on Monday launched a competition that will let a US student "doodle" his or her way to cash for college along with landing grant money to fund technology education at their grade school.