site.news_by_theme Secret Service

Russian coastal city of Kaliningrad. ©Reuters Lithuanian sentenced to 13 years for 'spying on Moscow' A Lithuanian national has been sentenced to 13 years in prison for spying on Moscow.
13 апреля 2016
Internet fuels Charlie Hebdo conspiracy theories Could the January 7 Charlie Hebdo attack have been a secret service operation, or perhaps an anti-Muslim plot?
19 января 2015
German secret service 'spied on Hillary Clinton': reports The German secret service listened in on at least one of Hillary Clinton's telephone calls when she was US secretary of state.
16 августа 2014
Russian security services name CIA Moscow chief Russia's security services openly named the alleged US intelligence agency's Moscow station chief Friday in a rare breach of protocol after arresting a purported CIA agent working undercover.
18 мая 2013
Julia Pierson. Photo courtesy of Obama names first woman Secret Service chief US President Barack Obama Tuesday named Julia Pierson as the first female chief of the Secret Service, the elite protection branch sullied by a prostitution scandal in Colombia last year.
27 марта 2013
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