site.news_by_theme International Space Station

US astronauts prepare spacewalk to install new docking port Two US astronauts are set to embark on a spacewalk Friday to install a special parking spot for private spaceship traffic at ISS.
19 августа 2016
Aidyn Aimbetov ©RIA Novosti Kazakhstan's Aidyn Aimbetov reveals his childhood dream to become astronaut Kazakhstan’s astronaut Aidyn Aimbetov has dreamt of flying to space since he was a child.
08 сентября 2015
Talgat Mussabayev. Photo courtesy of Aidyn Aimbetov's flight to ISS is a milestone event for Kazakhstan: Chairman of Kazcosmos Talgat Mussabayev Space flight of Kazakhstan’s astronaut Aidyn Aimbetov to the International Space Station is a milestone event for Kazakhstan.
04 сентября 2015
Aidyn Aimbetov ©RIA Novosti Kazakh astronaut Aidyn Aimbetov to make research in space Kazakhstan’s astronaut Aidyn Aimbetov will conduct a number of studies during his 10 day space flight on board the Soyuz TMA-18M spacecraft.
10 августа 2015
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