Central Asia

3D/4D ultrasonography devices are now being produced in Shymkent, in southern Kazakhstan. Aidos Maulenkulov, Sales Manager of KazMedPribor LLP, told about the new devices to Tengrinews. “All the utrasonography devices are basically the same. For the convenience of doctors we install both a keyboard and sensory controls. The devices are equipped with 5 transducers: a 3D transducer, a curvilinear transducer, a phased array, a linear array and a transvaginal transducer. Everyone is asking about Elastography. We have Elastography of small body parts and breasts. The deceive can be used to diagnose heart and brain. It produces both 3D and 4D images,” said Mr. Maulenkulov. According to Mr. Maulenkulov, the device can record results on a disc. “Ultrasonographists from different regions of Kazakhstan looked at our device and were satisfied. They were interested and said promised to consider purchasing ultrasonography devises from us,” added the Company representative. According to Mr. Maulenkulov, the LLP has a CT-KZ certificate of origin for this devise. He also stressed that the price of the devise will be approximately 30 percent lower than that of similar foreign-made devices. The company plans to export the products to Russia and to the neighboring Central Asian countries in future. By Altynai Zhumzhumina
3D/4D ultrasonography devices are now being produced in Shymkent, in southern Kazakhstan. Aidos Maulenkulov, Sales Manager of KazMedPribor LLP, told about the new devices to Tengrinews.
“All the utrasonography devices are basically the same. For the convenience of doctors we install both a keyboard and sensory controls. The devices are equipped with 5 transducers: a 3D transducer, a curvilinear transducer, a phased array, a linear array and a transvaginal transducer. Everyone is asking about Elastography. We have Elastography of small body parts and breasts. The deceive can be used to diagnose heart and brain. It produces both 3D and 4D images,” said Mr. Maulenkulov.
According to Mr. Maulenkulov, the device can record results on a disc. “Ultrasonographists from different regions of Kazakhstan looked at our device and were satisfied. They were interested and said promised to consider purchasing ultrasonography devises from us,” added the Company representative. According to Mr. Maulenkulov, the LLP has a CT-KZ certificate of origin for this devise.
He also stressed that the price of the devise will be approximately 30 percent lower than that of similar foreign-made devices. The company plans to export the products to Russia and to the neighboring Central Asian countries in future.
By Altynai Zhumzhumina