Kazakhstan’s sovereign debt stands at $26.6 billion, Profinance.kz reported July 20, citing Vice Finance Minister Ruslan Dalenov. According to him, the Government debt makes up $15.8 billion, with the other $10.7 billion being the debt of the National Bank. External debt of the Government stands at $3.74 billion. According to the National Bank, gross external debt of Kazakhstan as of the end of 2010 made up $119.2 billion against $113.2 billion as of the end of 2009. The share of the government debt and debts guaranteed by the state altogether stood at 4.3% ($5.1 billion) as of the end of 2010 as compared to 3.3% ($3.7 billion) as of the end of 2009. July 15 PM Massimov during the online-conference at Zakon.kz had said that “the current situation (with foreign debts) in Kazakhstan is much better than in any country of the European Union (…).Kazakhstan's foreign debt has not exceeded 10 percent in the last several years. 4-6-8-10 percent is the limit, the level of sustainability that we should exist within”.
Kazakhstan’s sovereign debt stands at $26.6 billion, Profinance.kz reported July 20, citing Vice Finance Minister Ruslan Dalenov.
According to him, the Government debt makes up $15.8 billion, with the other $10.7 billion being the debt of the National Bank. External debt of the Government stands at $3.74 billion.
According to the National Bank, gross external debt of Kazakhstan as of the end of 2010 made up $119.2 billion against $113.2 billion as of the end of 2009. The share of the government debt and debts guaranteed by the state altogether stood at 4.3% ($5.1 billion) as of the end of 2010 as compared to 3.3% ($3.7 billion) as of the end of 2009.
July 15 PM Massimov during the online-conference at Zakon.kz had said that “the current situation (with foreign debts) in Kazakhstan is much better than in any country of the European Union (…).Kazakhstan's foreign debt has not exceeded 10 percent in the last several years. 4-6-8-10 percent is the limit, the level of sustainability that we should exist within”.