Massimov cited head of IMF in Twitter
Kazakhstan Prime-Minister Karim Massimov has cited the head of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) Dominique Strauss-Kahn in his Twitter.
18 April 2011
Almaty hosting BarCamp Central Asia 2011
BarCamp Central Asia 2011 is 4th educational [un]conference for New Media professionals (journalists, bloggers, programmers, ITcians, media specialists, web-developers and those, who are somehow devoted to Internet developement).
Prime-Minister tweets about voting
Prime-Minister Karim Massimov tweeted about the presidential elections and put a link to the video of the voting.
03 April 2011
Microsoft presents new cloud in Almaty
Microsoft presented a new generation cloud technology in Almaty. It will help enhance students’ academic progress and communication skills.
Kazakhstan is nearing No.100 in FacebookKazakhstan in No.102 by the number of Facebook users and in nearing No 100. 270 480 people in Kazakhstan have got accounts in Facebook.
06 March 2011
Internet to reach 16Mb/s in KazakhstanPrime Minister Karim Massimov instructed Minister of Communications Mr. Askar Zhumagaliyev to bring the Internet speed in Kazakhstan up to 16 Mb/s.