
One Day of Adventure: The Best Tours Around Almaty


A lot of breathtaking natural sights that are ideal for a one-day trip are all around Almaty. We will share with you where it is better to go if you have only a limited amount of time but want to dive into the splendor of Kazakhstan’s nature.


A lot of breathtaking natural sights that are ideal for a one-day trip are all around Almaty. We will share with you where it is better to go if you have only a limited amount of time but want to dive into the splendor of Kazakhstan’s nature.

Issyk Lake and Turgen Gorge

Issyk Lake is 70 kilometers away from Almaty City. This place is called a "diamond in a granite setting." When the sky is full of clouds, the lake is painted gray, but under bright sunlight, the water changes its colors to turquoise, blue, or even green.


Turgen Gorge is located not so far from the lake. Here, you can find a lot of natural and historical landmarks, such as thermal springs, beautiful waterfalls ("Medvejyi", "Kairak" and "Skalisty"), wellsprings, Saki mounds, a monument to the "Golden Man", vineyards, apiaries, a trout farm, and an ostrich farm. This sea of entertainment is crowned by the magnificent Asy Plato.

It is good to note that it will be hard to cover everything at once, but for a one-day trip, there will be enough impressions. This gorge strikes with its variety of coniferous and deciduous trees, meadows, lakes, and springs. Most tours include visits to Saki burial mounds and waterfalls, as well as trout and ostrich farms. The Asy Plato is worth a separate trip, preferably with an overnight stay to admire the stars.


Charyn Canyon

This canyon is 200 kilometers from Almaty. It is a unique monument of nature, formed from sedimentary rocks that are more than 12 million years old. The landscapes here are so impressive, especially at sunset when the sun paints the canyon in shades of scarlet, pink, and orange. The canyon reaches depths of 200 meters, and the sheer walls rise to 150–300 meters. Charyn Canyon is 150 kilometers long, so tourists will have a lot to see.

The greatest impression makes the "Valley of the Castles" famous for its tower-like rock formations. The Valley of the Castles is more than 2 kilometers long and varies in width from 20 to 80 meters in different sections.

Another local landmark is the "Ash Grove". According to some data, relict plants here reach an age of 300-400 years. Also, an iconic place is the Turanga Grove. Turanga, or Asian poplar, grows well in local soils, and these trees have been considered sacred since ancient times.

The Moon Canyon differs from other locations in the yellow color of the rocks and its landscapes, which are reminiscent of lunar relief. The rock components are dominated by yellow clay, although their color changes depending on the light. There is also the Valley of Yurts, called so because of the peculiar outlines of the rocks. Another amusing location is the Black Canyon, so named because of the dark rocks' color. The reputation of this place is also "dark". According to folk legends, nomads often died here, falling from the dark walls of the

The best times to visit Charyn are spring (late March-early May) and autumn (late August- early November). It can be too hot in the summer and too cold and windy in winter.


Alma-Arasan Gorge

Alma-Arasan can be visited from Almaty by public transport. Ideal for a family holiday - here you can have a picnic, breathe in the fresh mountain air, and just walk around. The main attraction is the local springs located at an altitude of 1872 meters above sea level. In the springs, you can relax in hot or cold water, on the one hand, admiring the steep mountain slopes covered with centuries-old spruce trees, and on the other, rapid river flows. The bathing area is equipped with changing rooms, a toilet, and a workout area.

The "Maiden's Tears" waterfall is also very close. The gorge has many cafes and relaxing areas.

Other popular locations, such as the Big Almaty Lake (BAO), the Big Almaty Peak (BAP), and the Tien Shan Astronomical Observatory, are located nearby.


Kolsai and Kaiyndy Lakes

These lakes are 300 kilometers away from Almaty. If you leave the city early in the morning, you can visit Kolsai and Kaiyndy in one day, but the ideal option would be a trip for two or three days to enjoy the local views.

The three Kolsai lakes are called the "pearls" of the northern Tien Shan. They are located in a cascade, starting at an altitude of 1800 meters above sea level. The lakes are surrounded by protected forests.

The area of Kaiyndy, which means "abundant with birch trees", is famous for one of the wonders of Kazakhstan - a lake with sunken fir trees rising above the top. The unique local climate with iсe-cold water made it possible to preserve tree trunks and create an unusual scene for tourists.

Also perfect for one-day tours are the Tamgaly-Tas Nature Reserve, the Singing Dune in the Altyn Emel National Park, and the ethnic villages "Huns" and NOMAD.


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