The Monument to Mahatma Gandhi



Location: The monument is in the Park, named after Mahatma Gandhi, in the square of Shevchenko, Zharokov, Zhambyl, and Gagarin streets.

What’s interesting about it?

The monument to the politician and ideologist of the Indian independence movement, Mahatma Gandhi, was erected in Almaty in 2003. Gandhi's granddaughter, Sumitra Kulkarni, attended the opening ceremony. According to its appearance, it is a copy of the Moscow monument to Mahatma Gandhi, opened on July 8, 1988, on Indira Gandhi Square.

What to see?

The monument was made traditionally for sculptures of Mahatma Gandhi: he dressed in the traditional clothes of a hermit and walked with long strides, leaning on a pilgrim’s staff. This image personifies Gandhi's high spiritual asceticism and dedication to the search for truth.

You can walk or ride a bike in the park surrounding the monument. There are playgrounds, sports equipment, and a volleyball court. Gandhi Park is part of a vast walking area on Gagarin Avenue, starting from the AHEP park on Tole bi and ending with the monument to Oraz Zhandosov. You can take a photo next to the cosmonaut sculpture on a bench at the intersection of Abai and Gagarin. The dance theater and the Zhas-Sakhna Theater are located nearby.

When is the best time to visit?

The park is accessible to visitors at any time of the year.