Turgen Gorge



Location: This gorge is 70 kilometers from Almaty. Along the Talgar or Kuldzhinsky highway, you need to get to the village of Turgen, turn right in front of it (before reaching the Royal Petrol gas station), and after a few kilometers, there will be an eco-post.

What’s interesting about it?

The Turgen Gorge is 44 kilometers long. Here, you can find a lot of natural and historical landmarks, such as thermal springs, beautiful waterfalls (“Medvejyi,” “Kairak,” and “Skalisty”), wellsprings, Saki mounds, a monument to the “Golden Man,” vineyards, apiaries, a trout farm, and an ostrich farm. This sea of entertainment is crowned by the magnificent Asy Plato. 

What kind of entertainment is there?

The Turgen Gorge is worthy of repeated visits. It is difficult to cover all the objects at once, but fortunately, there are numerous recreation centers there. It is good to note that it will be hard to cover everything at once, but for a one-day trip, there will be enough impressions. This gorge strikes with its variety of coniferous and deciduous trees, meadows, lakes, and springs. Most tours include visits to Saki burial mounds and waterfalls, as well as trout and ostrich farms. The Asy Plato is worth a separate trip, preferably with an overnight stay to admire the stars. 

When is the best time to visit?

Many landmarks make it possible to visit the Turgen Gorge at any time of the year.