
Ethno-aul "Huns"

Location: Almaty region, Ryskulovo village, Soldatskoe Gorge Street, 5. Ethno-aul is located behind Talgar; by car, the trip will take about 1 hour and a half along the Talgar tract (about 53 km). You can also get there by bus No. 224 from the “Palace of Sports” bus stop in Almaty.

What’s interesting about it?

“Huns” is a place where you can get acquainted with the culture and customs of the Kazakh people and enjoy the picturesque views of the Trans-Ili Alatau. Guests can rest in the yurtages, which are national Kazakh nomadic houses equipped with everything necessary, like air conditioning, bathrooms, and a heating system.

What kind of entertainment is there?

The ethno-complex has a variety of entertainment programs for guests, including horse riding, equestrian games, bicycle riding, and archery. In the winter, there are also slides with a rope tow for those who like winter activities.

Guests are greeted with a “shashu” and can enjoy a costume show with traditional games and customs. The program includes national dances and Altybakan swing riding. A sauna is also available there.

When is the best time to visit?

The complex is open year-round. The ceremonial meeting program is held on specific dates and must be booked in advance. In winter, you can also relax at the Akbulak base nearby.