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Green Belt around Astana to be extended
Green Belt around Astana to be extended
Kazakhstan gets note from Ukraine after abstaining at UN General Assembly voting
Kazakhstan gets note from Ukraine after abstaining at UN General Assembly voting
Nazarbayev calls Kazakhstan to save 2.5% energy every year
Nazarbayev calls Kazakhstan to save 2.5% energy every year
Kazakhstan General Prosecutor's Office statement after Ablyazov's arrest
Kazakhstan General Prosecutor's Office statement after Ablyazov's arrest
Astana residents stocking up on dollars 'just in case'
Astana residents stocking up on dollars 'just in case'
Almaty Mayor advises police to get some brain
Almaty Mayor advises police to get some brain
High salaries don’t mean high standards of living: survey
High salaries don’t mean high standards of living: survey
Kazakhstan Minister of Economy refutes devaluation speculations
Kazakhstan Minister of Economy refutes devaluation speculations
Kazakhstan Prime-Minister and Kazakhstan Government resign
Kazakhstan Prime-Minister and Kazakhstan Government resign
Wolves in sheep clothing: possible involvement of foreign forces in Kiev
Wolves in sheep clothing: possible involvement of foreign forces in Kiev