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What is Brexit for Kazakhstan?
What is Brexit for Kazakhstan?
Stadiums are not ghost in Kazakhstan, neither are football fans
Stadiums are not ghost in Kazakhstan, neither are football fans
Shymbulak from bird's eye view
Shymbulak from bird's eye view
Rare animal recorded on camera in Kazakhstan
Rare animal recorded on camera in Kazakhstan
700 workers constructing Abu Dhabi Plaza in Astana go on strike
700 workers constructing Abu Dhabi Plaza in Astana go on strike
Frogs leap from Indonesian swamps to tabletops in France
Frogs leap from Indonesian swamps to tabletops in France
Almaty commuters pay broken keys for bus fare
Almaty commuters pay broken keys for bus fare
Kazakhstan wants its Valley of Kings on UNESCO heritage list
Kazakhstan wants its Valley of Kings on UNESCO heritage list
Kazakhstan celebrates Central Asian New Year - Nauryz
Kazakhstan celebrates Central Asian New Year - Nauryz
Take your cow for a drive in Pavlodar
Take your cow for a drive in Pavlodar