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TengriTV | Incidents - страница 4

Talgar river mudflood damages houses, cars and roads
Talgar river mudflood damages houses, cars and roads
Astana airport comments SCAT landing problem
Astana airport comments SCAT landing problem
Drunk police officer kills 2 in car accident in Astana
Drunk police officer kills 2 in car accident in Astana
Driver rams police car in Almaty; breaking path 91m long
Driver rams police car in Almaty; breaking path 91m long
Student, parents speak about explosion in Almaty college
Student, parents speak about explosion in Almaty college
Hurricane in Southern Kazakhstan: one dead, several injured
Hurricane in Southern Kazakhstan: one dead, several injured
200 volunteers arrive to Kokpekti
200 volunteers arrive to Kokpekti
More flood in Kyzylorda Oblast in southern Kazakhstan
More flood in Kyzylorda Oblast in southern Kazakhstan
Crane drops a 40-ton container on a taxi in Almaty
Crane drops a 40-ton container on a taxi in Almaty
Flooding around Bukhtarma generates theories
Flooding around Bukhtarma generates theories