Rousseff falls ill after tense Brazil debateBrazil's President Dilma Rousseff fell ill at the end of a tense and at times bitter televised debate Thursday with challenger Aecio Neves.
17 October 2014
Nationalists win Bosnia's electionsNationalist candidates from Bosnia's Croat, Muslim and Serb communities won the country's three-man presidency, election results showed.
Rousseff set to face Neves in Brazil run-offBrazilian President is set to face Social Democrat Aecio Neves in a run-off election, leaving popular environmentalist Marina Silva out of the race.
Brazil primed for closest election in decadesBrazil's presidential elections are likely to be the closest in a generation, but polls suggest leftist incumbent Dilma Rousseff will secure a second term after a run-off.
04 October 2014
Catalans defy Spanish court in independence duelCatalan leaders forged ahead for a vote on independence, defying a court challenge by the national government in their bid to redraw the map of Spain.