site.news_by_theme terrorism

Chaotic mix of actors and interests in Syria war Syria's brutal five-year war has turned increasingly messy tangle of internal and external players with their own multi-faceted agendas.
17 февраля 2016
Photo courtesty of Saudi police arrest 33 'terror' suspects, including one Kazakh Saudi authorities have arrested nine American citizens and one Kazakhstani among 33 'terror' suspects.
01 февраля 2016
President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev meets military commanders. Photo courtesy of Nazarbayev advises Kazakh army to 'keep powder dry' Wars are no longer the same they used to be. Now they are hybrids of economic, political, informational, internal and other wars, and the army has to adjust to the new specifics: Nursultan Nazarbayev.
29 декабря 2015
©RIA Novosti China adopts first counter-terrorism law China adopted its first counter-terrorism law Sunday: its provisions may tighten media controls and threaten the intellectual property of foreign firms.
28 декабря 2015
©Turar Kazangapov Kazakhstan should enhance protection of nuclear facilities from ISIS: expert According to Senior Research Fellow at the Kazakhstani Institute of Strategic Studies Dauren Aben, Kazakhstan needs to increase security at its nuclear facilities to safeguard them from the ISIS.
25 декабря 2015
Hollande leads French mourning for Paris attacks dead France mourned the 130 people killed in the November 13 Paris attacks, with President Francois Hollande set to lead a solemn ceremony in honour of the victims.
27 ноября 2015
Paris attacks: Steinmeier thought blast was 'fireworks' German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier said in an interview published he thought the first explosion he heard a week ago at a Paris stadium was fireworks, but soon realised it was a terror attack.
23 ноября 2015
Photo ©EK/Ilyas Omar Central Asian countries sign Joint Declaration of Partnership and Cooperation with USA Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and the USA have issued the Joint Declaration of Partnership and Cooperation.
23 ноября 2015
UN vote shows world united against IS 'evil death cult': UK PM The unanimous UN Security Council vote backing action against Islamic State shows the world is united against the "evil death cult", British Prime Minister David Cameron said.
21 ноября 2015
Netanyahu urges 'global solution to terror' in call with Hollande Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu called for "a global solution" to terrorism in a phone call with Francois Hollande on Wednesday to express his solidarity after the Paris attacks.
19 ноября 2015
Hollande says France to step up anti-IS bombing after Paris attacks President Francois Hollande said France would step up the battle against the Islamic State (IS) group in Syria in the wake of Paris attacks he dubbed "acts of war".
17 ноября 2015
CIA chief expects more IS attacks in 'pipeline' CIA director John Brennan warned that the attacks in Paris were likely not a "one off event" and that he expects the Islamic State group has more operations in the pipeline.
17 ноября 2015
Collage France strikes IS bastion in Syria after Paris attack Blasts shook the Islamic State group's Syrian stronghold Raqa as French air strikes hit weapons depots and a training camp in response to the attacks in Paris.
17 ноября 2015
Seven UK terror attacks 'stopped' in last six months: Cameron British security services have foiled around seven terror attacks since June with fighters returning from Syria posing a growing threat.
16 ноября 2015
Silent march in Canada in memory of Paris victims Up to 5,000 people marched in silence Sunday in Montreal in memory of victims of the Paris terror attacks.
16 ноября 2015
Up to 20,000 in Copenhagen vigil for Paris attack victims: police Up to 20,000 people, among them Prime Minister Lars Lokke Rasmussen, gathered for a candlelight vigil at the gates of the French embassy in Copenhagen mourn the victims of the Paris attacks.
16 ноября 2015
US, France agree on 'concrete steps' against IS: Pentagon The defense ministers of France and the United States agreed on "concrete steps" to intensify cooperation against the Islamic State group, the Pentagon said.
16 ноября 2015
Islamic State group claims Paris attacks The Islamic State jihadist group claimed gun and bomb attacks that left more than 120 people dead in Paris in a statement posted online.
14 ноября 2015
Paris attacks heighten pressure at Vienna Syria talks Multiple "terror" attacks in Paris increased the pressure on some 20 countries and organisations meeting in Vienna on Saturday to overcome deep divisions and help end Syria's horrific civil war.
14 ноября 2015
Putin calls for unity against 'terrorism' after Paris attacks Moscow called on Saturday for the international community to unite in its fight against terrorism after a string of attacks in Paris left more than 128 people dead on Friday.
14 ноября 2015

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