site.news_by_theme smoking

©Reuters/Murad Sezer Hyundai cars to ditch cigarette lighter socket Hyundai Motor said Thursday it would stop putting cigarette lighter sockets in cars made for the domestic market in favour of a USB power point.
03 октября 2013
China's e-cigarette inventor fights for financial rewards The Chinese inventor who dreamed up the electronic cigarette in a nicotine-induced vision says that despite its global popularity, copycat versions and legal disputes mean he has battled to cash in on his creation.
03 октября 2013
©Reuters/Christian Hartmann/Files Obama says he quit cigarettes for fear of wife US President Barack Obama said Monday that he stopped smoking out of fear of his wife, in an unwitting admission captured by a loose microphone.
24 сентября 2013
Photo courtesy of Smoking to be banned in English prisons: report Smoking is set to be prohibited in all prisons in England and Wales over fears of that staff may bring compensation claims.
20 сентября 2013
©REUTERS/Ammar Abdullah Hard-hitting ads get credit in US push against smoking Hard-hitting ads featuring first-person stories from former smokers prompted more than 200,000 Americans to immediately give up tobacco.
10 сентября 2013
©REUTERS/Phil Noble Smoking warning works just on front of cigarette pack Big anti-smoking messages on the front of cigarette packets may help deter youngsters tempted by tobacco but have little effect when they are on the back of the pack.
06 сентября 2013
©REUTERS/Mohamad Torokman Nearly six million die from smoking every year: WHO Despite public health campaigns, smoking remains the leading avoidable cause of death worldwide, killing almost six million people a year, mostly in low- and middle-income countries.
11 июля 2013
Photo by Dmitriy Khegai© Frightening images won't help cut smoking: opinion Some experts believe that the law requiring frightening images to be printed on cigarette packs in Kazakhstan will not reduce the number of smokers.
17 июня 2013
Hiring a smoker costs US firms $6,000 a head An employee who smokes costs his or her employer nearly $6,000 (4,500 euros) more per year than a non-smoker.
05 июня 2013
Russia's ambitious smoking ban goes into effect Russia's ambitious smoking ban, which aims to cut the number of smokers in half and improve public health, went into effect Saturday amid doubts that its measures can be fully enforced.
03 июня 2013
Women more at risk than men of smoking, drinking: study Women who smoke and drink heavily are at a higher risk of early death than men who do the same.
29 мая 2013
©REUTERS/Ibraheem Abu Mustafa Kazakhstan bans smoking shisha in public places Kazakhstan Healthcare Ministry introduced a ban on smoking shisha in public places, including night clubs, restaurants, cinemas and any indoor public entertainment facilities on March 14, 2013.
01 апреля 2013
©RIA Novosti Kazakhstan smokes 9 cigarettes a day per capita Kazakhstan anti-smoking coalition supports draft law banning tobacco sales within 500m from educational, healthcare and sport facilities.
22 марта 2013
Extra pounds don't cancel benefits of quitting smoking Quitting smoking sharply reduces the risk of heart disease -- even if kicking the habit comes along with a few extra pounds.
13 марта 2013
Putin signs law banning smoking in public places President Vladimir Putin has signed a law banning smoking in public places in Russia from June, a cornerstone of the government's bid to improve public health in the nicotine-addicted country.
25 февраля 2013
Smoking out tobacco: The rise of the e-cig The camera zooms in on a stubble-bearded hunk dragging on a cigarette and blowing out a thick cloud of smoke with what seems to be great satisfaction.
11 февраля 2013
©RIA Novosti Tobacco excise to double in Kazakhstan by 2014 Starting from 2014 the excise on tobacco will make 3,000 tenge ($20) per 1,000 cigarettes or 60 tenge ($0.4) per a pack.
06 февраля 2013
After tobacco, Turkey bans hookah in public places After banning smoking in public places, the Turkish government has gone one step further by clamping down on an ancient tradition -- the hookah, or water pipe.
28 января 2013
©REUTERS Women smokers face greater health risks than in past: study Women smokers are at a greater risk than at any time in recent decades from lung cancer and other ailments linked to their tobacco use.
25 января 2013
©REUTERS Philippine leader ignores call to quit smoking Philippine President Benigno Aquino will not quit smoking despite the country's top medical body publicly appealing for him to lead by example and kick the habit.
24 ноября 2012

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