Mosque and school spark new feud between Turkey and Greece
Greece and Turkey, which share a history marred by bitter territorial disputes and Christian-Muslim feuds, are at loggerheads once again over religion.
Grace church pastor under home arrest
Bakhytzhan Kashkumbayev, pastor of Grace protestant church in Astana, has been released from jail and transferred under home arrest.
Ukrainian christians address Kazakhstan ambassador in support of Grace Church pastor
AUC ECB has supported the 67-y.o. pastor of protestant Grace Church in Astana accused of inflicting severe harm to the health of one of the church’s members.
Over 700,000 mourn influential Israeli rabbi
More than 700,000 people took to Jerusalem's streets Monday to mourn the spiritual leader of Israel's Sephardic Jews, in an unprecedented procession for an influential figure who died after surgery.
Pope says Church should rid itself of 'worldliness'
Pope Francis on Friday called for the Catholic Church and its faithful to rid themselves of earthly concerns like St Francis of Assisi during a pilgrimage to the saint's Italian hometown.
Israel: European rights resolution on circumcision 'racist'
Israel labelled as "racist" and "anti-religious" Friday a resolution of the pan-European human rights body calling for regulation of circumcision practices.
e-ISLAM to be launched in Kazakhstan by year end
e-ISLAM web portal will be launched in Kazakhstan this year.
Survey finds US Jews losing their religion
Jews in the United States are overwhelmingly proud to be Jewish, yet nearly one in five of them describe themselves as having no religion.
Indonesia to host Miss World final despite Muslim anger
The Miss World final takes place on the Indonesian resort island of Bali on Saturday after weeks of protests from Muslim hardliners and warnings that extremists could attack the pageant.
Almaty Central Mosque comments on sex row
Almaty Central Mosque commented on the sex row over the Mosque’s school.
Former student of Almaty Mosque's school turns to prosecutors
A former student of the Islamic school for women of Almaty Central Mosque filed a complaint to the prosecutor’s office asking to check on the activities of the school.
Only 3 percent of Kazakhstan's imams have higher theological education
Only 3 percent of Kazakhstan’s imams have higher theological education, 30 percent graduated from special educational institutions and the rest of them only took 3 or 6-month clergy courses.
Bishops in US come out against military strikes on Syria
Leaders of the Roman Catholic Church in the United States opposed military action against Syria on Wednesday, saying it would led to "unintended negative consequences."
Pope to investigate Poland's ritual slaughter ban
Pope Francis has ordered an investigation into a Polish ban on the ritual kosher slaughter of animals.
Sexual row unfolds over Almaty Central Mosque
One of the students of the Madrasah for Women of Almaty city's Central Mosque complains that the school’s students are forced to become wives of the imams.
Pope calls for mutual respect between Christians and Muslims
Pope Francis reached out to Muslims on Sunday to mark the end of the Islamic holy month of Ramadan and called on them and Christians to promote mutual respect.
Gay Muslims in Turkey: torn between religion and sexuality
"When I was a child, I was told that homosexuals would burn in hell," said Ertugrul, a Muslim fighting for greater freedom for gays in a country where homosexuality remains taboo.
Pope Francis: 'Who am I to judge' gays?
Pope Francis reached out to gays on Monday, declaring that it is not his place to judge them -- while also condemning the Vatican's reported gay lobby as a "serious problem".
Pope leaves Brazil trip after giant mass
Pope Francis left Brazil on Sunday after leading a giant beach mass for three million pilgrims, ending his historic trip to reignite Catholic passion with pleas for a humbler Church.
Pope understands youth who lose faith over church sins
Pope Francis on Friday voiced understanding for young people who have lost faith over the Catholic Church's failings and those turned off by corrupt politics.