Two years and counting: Pope's opponents play waiting gameTwo years after Pope Francis swept into the Vatican vowing to shake up the Church, his opponents are playing a waiting game as they seek to put the brakes on his reform drive.
IMF approves 1.2 bn euro credit line for SerbiaThe International Monetary Fund on Monday approved a 1.2 billion euro ($1.4 billion) credit line for Serbia to support its structural and economic reforms.
French MPs to vote on controversial reform planMillions of tourists in Paris will be able to shop all-week long if French MPs pass a controversial set of reforms seen as vital to unblock its stuttering economy.
Billionaire trio unite for US immigration reformThree of the world's richest men -- Bill Gates, Warren Buffett and Sheldon Adelson -- put aside their political differences to unite in scathing condemnation of US lawmakers' failure to implement immigration reform.
G20 lagging on growth targets: AustraliaReforms proposed to lift global growth in line with a target set by the world's biggest economies earlier this year are so far falling short, Australian Treasurer Joe Hockey said.
New Italy PM wins confidence vote, vows 'radical change'Prime Minister Matteo Renzi called for a "radical and immediate change" in recession-hit Italy as he outlined his new government's reform agenda before winning a crucial confidence vote in the Senate.