Georgia to execute mentally handicapped man Barring a last minute intervention by the US Supreme Court, a mentally handicapped man will be executed Monday in Georgia, despite protests from around the world -- and from the victim's family.
23 July 2012
Canada students again protest tuition hikes About 15,000 Canadian students protested in Montreal on Sunday against rising tuition costs, with an eye toward rallying supporters against Quebec Premier Jean Charest in expected provincial polls.
HSBC seeks to evict Hong Kong 'Occupy' protesters Global banking giant HSBC on Monday sought legal permission to evict a handful of protesters camped outside its Hong Kong headquarters, one of the last remnants of the "Occupy" movement in Asia.
16 July 2012
Afghan women protest over woman's public execution Dozens of Afghan women's rights activists took to the streets Wednesday to protest against the recent public execution of a young woman for alleged adultery, which was captured in a horrific video.