Lawyers demand US show steps toward closing Guantanamo Lawyers for detainees at Guantanamo prison called for the US to show concrete steps towards closing the facility on Tuesday, citing a "humanitarian crisis" at the controversial jail.
14 March 2013
Official addresses electronic equipment at 9/11 hearing Guantanamo's top security official said Wednesday that intelligence agents had bugged rooms where the accused 9/11 plotters meet with their lawyers, despite a ban on eavesdropping.
14 February 2013
Pork found in British prisons' halal food Britain's Ministry of Justice suspended a supplier of halal meat to prisons on Friday after traces of pork were found inside meat pies and pasties.
03 February 2013
Mexico top court frees French woman jailed for kidnap A French woman was freed from Mexican prison Wednesday after the Supreme Court ruled that police violated her rights by staging her arrest for kidnapping on national television seven years ago.
25 January 2013
Missing Matisse thieves sentenced in Miami A US federal court handed down prison terms Tuesday to an American man and a Mexican woman for trying to sell a $3 million Henri Matisse painting stolen from a Venezuelan museum.
23 January 2013
Brazil inmates train cat for prison break A cat trained by prisoners to deliver cell phones and tools to dig tunnels was caught at a jail in northeastern Brazil after sneaking in with forbidden items strapped to its body.
08 January 2013
Mexico empties prison of all its inmates after deadly riot Officials on Wednesday removed all of the prisoners -- about 500 inmates -- from a prison in northern Mexico, one day after the facility erupted in violence, leaving 15 inmates and nine guards dead.
20 December 2012
Kazakh guard sentenced to life for mass border killing A court in Kazakhstan Tuesday sentenced a border guard to life in prison for murdering 14 fellow servicemen in a mysterious May massacre in the remote Tian Shan mountains.
500 rabbis call for release of US man jailed in Cuba The wife jailed US contractor Alan Gross took part in a Florida protest Sunday seeking her husband's release from a Cuba prison, as some 500 rabbis from around the world appealed to Havana on his behalf.
12 November 2012
Turkey under pressure over Kurdish hunger strike The Turkish government is under increasing pressure over how to tackle a hunger strike by hundreds of Kurdish prisoners across the country as the protest nears its eighth week and their health deteriorates.
29 October 2012
Britain to get 'tough but intelligent' on law and order British Prime Minister David Cameron will on Monday call for a "tough but intelligent" approach to law and order, advocating a combination of tough prison sentences and lighter rehabilitation methods.
23 October 2012
Muslims trapped in ghetto of fear in Myanmar city Barbed wire and armed troops guard the Muslim quarter of a violence-wracked city in western Myanmar, a virtual prison for the families that have inhabited its narrow streets for generations.
19 October 2012
Greek prisons groaning under austerity cuts Austerity cuts imposed in Greece have created an explosive situation in the country's overcrowded prisons, where sanitation and food services are in disarray, insiders warn.
US to transfer Bagram prison to Afghans The US is to hand formal control of a controversial prison to the Afghan government on Monday, despite apparent disagreements between the two sides on the fate of hundreds of inmates.
10 September 2012
Sane or not, Breivik's future is at Norway's Ila prison Regardless of whether an Oslo court sentences him to prison or closed psychiatric care, Norwegian gunman is set to spend his days at a specially-adapted high-security prison.
23 August 2012
Mystery, anger surround Wallenberg's USSR disappearance Over 67 years since he disappeared into the Soviet prison system, the fate of the Swedish diplomat Raoul Wallenberg remains shrouded in mystery despite decades of work to find the truth.
US calls on Iran to release Christian pastor The United States on Monday called on Iran to release Christian pastor Youcef Nadarkhani, who was imprisoned in 2009 and condemned to death for converting from Islam to Christianity.