site.news_by_theme poverty

UN tips faster Asian growth, urges poverty action Asia-Pacific growth will edge up this year on the back of a recovery in the US and emerging nations.
18 апреля 2013
Developing world's rise heralds global shift: UN The developing world's rapid growth has sharply cut extreme poverty, created a new middle class and put the economies of Brazil, China and India on a path to overtake the globe's wealthiest nations.
16 марта 2013
India to hand plots of land to rural poor: reports India's government is drawing up a major new welfare reform which would hand small plots of land to millions of homeless poor in the countryside.
14 марта 2013
Looming US cuts raise fears for world's poor With the United States days away from billions of dollars in automatic spending cuts, anti-poverty campaigners fear that reductions in foreign aid could potentially lead to thousands of deaths.
27 февраля 2013
Christmas misery in Haiti camp, three years after quake While people around the world celebrate the arrival of Christmas, residents of a refugee camp in Haiti say hunger and want will mark the holiday, like every other day of the year.
24 декабря 2012
Impoverished Greek families facing uncertain future Blue-eyed Angelina had the misfortune of being born in Greece in 2010, just as the country became engulfed by an economic crisis that has deprived her parents, like so many Greeks.
12 декабря 2012
World Bank fears devastating 4.0 degree warming The World Bank warned Sunday that global temperatures could rise by four degrees this century without immediate action, with potentially devastating consequences for coastal cities and the poor.
20 ноября 2012
©REUTERS Malnutrition in N.Korea despite better harvests: UN North Korea's staple food output has improved but the poverty-stricken country is still struggling to eradicate malnutrition and provide its people with vital protein.
13 ноября 2012
India tries handing out cash to help teeming poor Uddal Singh, a retired army sergeant, is part of an experiment trying out radical changes to the Indian welfare system that the government plans to adopt nation-wide.
29 октября 2012
Photo courtesy of Denying girls school entrenches poverty: report Millions of girls worldwide are condemned to lives of hardship because they don't go to school, an education gap that entrenches broader extreme poverty.
13 октября 2012
More than half of Brazil population middle class Fifty-three percent of Brazil's population of 194 million is now middle class, as tens of millions of people are lifted out of poverty.
22 сентября 2012
New Dominican Republic president pushes anti-poverty fight Economist Danilo Medina was sworn in as the Dominican Republic's new president Thursday and pushed for a pact against poverty as he assumed the post.
18 августа 2012
Nazarbayev pledges 180,000 tons of meat exports by 2020 Consequences of food crises are social tensions and political upheavals throughout the world (…) it is of paramount importance to ensure food security at regional and global levels. Inter-state cooperation and concerted actions are needed: President Nazarbayev.
03 мая 2011
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