site.news_by_theme Middle East & Africa

Kazakhstan Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Photo by Vladimir Dmitriyev© Kazakhstan Foreign Ministry commented on Moamer Kadhafi's death Kazakhstan Ministry of Foreign Affairs commented on the death of Libyan leader Moamer Kadhafi.
21 октября 2011
The WFP Executive Director Josette Sheeran Palestinians get 'digital' food WFP has been providing the most vulnerable people with e-cards. They can get 9 food items in selected shops.
13 октября 2011
Regatta. ©Reuters Kazakhstan yachtsmen to compete for Qatar Regatta prizes Kazakhstan yachtsmen Ruslan Dzhangazov and his daughter Karina will participate in the annual Qatar Regatta Championship.
12 октября 2011
Military in Afghanistan. ©REUTERS/Ahmad Nadeem Expert: Kazakhstan underestimates Talibs' threat Central Asian countries underestimate the situation that could unfold in Afghanistan by 2014 after withdrawal of American troops: Expert.
27 сентября 2011
©Reuters 200 militants of Kazakhstan Jamoat fight in Afghanistan About 200 Kazakhstan Jamoat militants fight at the Afghan territory as a part of the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan.
09 сентября 2011
Meeting with Prime Minister of Pakistan Makhdoom Syed Yousaf Raza Gillani. Photo courtesy of Pakistan and Kazakhstan prime-ministers met in Astana The meeting between Kazakhstan and Pakistan prime-ministers has been held in Astana on Wednesday, September 7.
07 сентября 2011
©REUTERS/Ismail Zetouni Kazakhstan acknowledged Libyan National Transition Council Kazakhstan party is hoping that the National Transition Council wil take immediate measures to provide security of the civilians: Foreign Ministry.
06 сентября 2011
©RIA Novosti Kazakhstan called OIC countries to help Libya Kazakhstan called the countries of the Organization for Islamic Cooperation (OIC) to help Libya.
29 августа 2011
Tricolor flag of of the National Transition Council of Libya. ©REUTERS/Umit Bektas Embassy of Libya in Kazakhstan raised opposition flag Diplomatic mission “is officially under flagship of the National Transition Council formed by Libyan opposition.”
25 августа 2011
Kazakhstan to render aid to hungry people of Somalia Final declaration of Istanbul meeting called OIC member-states to render financial aid to Somalia and other needy African countries during Ramadan.
09 августа 2011
Kazakhstan among countries with low possibility of terrorist attacks The list of 20 most dangerous countries of the world in terms of the possibility of terrorist attacks is led by Somali.
04 августа 2011
Nursultan Nazarbayev. stock photo Nursultan Nazarbayev congratulated Kazakh citizens on beginning of Ramadan President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev wished peace and accord to all the Kazakhs and well-being in every family.
03 августа 2011
Chairman of Kazakhstan's Agency for Religious Affairs Lama Sharif Kairat. Photo countesy of Lama Sharif congratulated Muslims of Kazakhstan on Ramadan Head of the Agency for Religious Affairs called Kazakhstan citizens to be merciful and compassionate, provide aid to those in need and do good deeds.
01 августа 2011
Egypt. ©RIA Novosti Egypt promising to simplify visa regulations for Kazakhstan The question of simplifying visa regulations was raised in a meeting of Kazakhstan ambassador to Egypt with Egyptian Ministry of Tourism.
13 июля 2011
Meeting with Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari of Iraq. Photo courtesy of PM Massimov meets Foreign Minister of Iraq and Minister of Social Solidarity and Justice of Egypt According to the PM’s Facebook, during the talks they discussed further expansion of trade-and-economic and investments cooperation.
30 июня 2011
President Nazarbayev suggests working group within OIC to render assistance to Afghanistan According to the President, the Organization doesn't use to the full its capabilities to tackle drug dealing in this country.
28 июня 2011
©RIA Novosti KazMunaiGas EP exiting negotiations over Akkas gas field in Iraq KazMunaiGas Exploration Production was established in March 2004 and is among the top three oil producers in Kazakhstan.
11 мая 2011

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