site.news_by_theme Law

© A controversy surrounding property confiscation of Kazakhstan's fugitive tycoons Kazakhstan wants to start confiscating property of fugitive tycoons without getting a court verdict.
06 ноября 2013
Dias Kadyrbaev and Azamat Tazhayakov at the court. Photo ©REUTERS Arrested Kazakhstan students in Boston transferred to same cell Imprisoned in USA, Dias Kadyrbaev and Azamat Tazhayakov have been transferred to the same cell after months of solitary confinement.
04 ноября 2013
Demonstrators hold signs supporting fugitive former NSA contractor Edward Snowden. ©Reuters/Jonathan Ernst No clemency for Snowden says Obama aide, US lawmakers A senior White House aide and top US lawmakers on Sunday rejected intelligence leaker Edward Snowden's request for clemency following his disclosures of widespread government surveillance.
04 ноября 2013
Only six Americans enrolled on 'Obamacare' first day Just six people managed enrol in Obamacare on day one of the health plan's troubled rollout, documents released by Republican lawmakers showed, in a new embarrassment for the White House.
03 ноября 2013
Erdogan praises Turkey MPs for headscarves in parliament Turkey's Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan said Friday the "will of the people had prevailed" after four female lawmakers wore headscarves in parliament for the first time in years, breaking a taboo in the staunchly secular country.
02 ноября 2013
Photo courtesy of Germany offers third gender option, but advocates say not enough Germany on Friday became the first European country to allow babies born with characteristics of both sexes to be registered as neither male nor female, but advocates urged further reforms.
02 ноября 2013
Kenyan press up in arms over 'draconian' media bill Kenya's media reacted with shock and outrage Friday after parliament voted through a bill that could see journalists and outlets slapped with huge fines for violating a code of conduct.
01 ноября 2013
Photo courtesy of Germany to allow third gender option at birth Germany on Friday will become the first European country to allow babies born with characteristics of both sexes to be registered as neither male nor female.
30 октября 2013
Sultan of Brunei introduces tough Islamic punishments The Sultan of Brunei announced the phased introduction of tough Islamic punishments including death by stoning for crimes such as adultery, in the monarchy's latest step towards conservatism.
22 октября 2013
Caetano Veloso. ©Reuters/Mario Anzuoni Brazil singers fight for right to veto biographies Famous Brazilian songwriters -- long activists for freedom of expression -- are themselves coming under fire as they fight an attempt to overturn a law allowing celebrities to veto unauthorized biographies.
15 октября 2013
NASA ban on Chinese scientists 'inaccurate': lawmaker A controversial decision by NASA to bar Chinese scientists from a conference on exoplanets next month was deemed "inaccurate" Tuesday by the US congressman who wrote the law.
09 октября 2013
©RIA Novosti Kazakhstan to toughen punishment for incitement of labor conflicts Kazakhstan is getting a new edition of the Criminal Code. It will toughen punishment for incitement of labor conflicts and cybercrimes.
04 октября 2013
©REUTERS/Gonzalo Fuentes Kazakhstan MP suggest adopting anti-gay law Kazakhstan’s Parliament deputy Bakhytbek Smagul has suggested drafting a law to ban same-sex relations.
03 октября 2013
Erna Solberg. ©Reuters/Stian Lysberg Solum/NTB Scanpix Next Norwegian government to get tough on immigration Norway's incoming government will get tough on immigration, future prime minister Erna Solberg, said Monday as she presented the main policies of the minority coalition she is forming with a populist right-wing party.
02 октября 2013
©Reuters/Bazuki Muhammad Malaysian protesters rail against security proposal Around 30 people protested Monday against a Malaysian parliamentary proposal that critics say allows detention without trial, denouncing it as a broken promise by the government to scrap oppressive laws.
30 сентября 2013
Bill Clinton backs Obama's push to promote health law President Barack Obama got backing from Bill Clinton Tuesday as he sought to promote his health care law to the US public amid a congressional battle and an approaching sign-up date.
25 сентября 2013
Kazakhstan calls US to repeal Jackson-Vanik amendment Kazakhstan Foreign Minister Yerlan Idrissov had a meeting with US Congressmen during his official visit to Washington this summer.
23 сентября 2013
Obama: Navy Yard shooting must inspire gun law change President Barack Obama used a memorial service for the victims of America's latest mass shooting on Sunday to make another impassioned appeal to reform gun ownership laws.
23 сентября 2013
Foreigners flock to New Zealand for gay marriage More than 80 same-sex couples, including 24 from overseas, have said "I do" in New Zealand since a law legalising gay marriage took effect a month ago.
21 сентября 2013
Obama urges new gun laws, swift Congress action unlikely President Barack Obama called on Congress Tuesday to tighten gun laws after the latest in a "ritual" of shooting massacres, but lawmakers admitted there is insufficient support for new legislation.
18 сентября 2013

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