
Kazakhstan site.news_by_theme

Almaty policemen received new cars
Almaty policemen received new cars
East Kazakhstan oblast tagged most polluted in Kazakhstan
East Kazakhstan oblast tagged most polluted in Kazakhstan
Nazarbayev suggested to transfer Seismology Institute to MES
Nazarbayev suggested to transfer Seismology Institute to MES
Kazakhstan won World School Individual Chess Championship
Kazakhstan won World School Individual Chess Championship
Nazarbayev instructed to resolve Almaty traffic problems
Nazarbayev instructed to resolve Almaty traffic problems
Trips to craters in East Kazakhstan is popular with foreign tourists
Trips to craters in East Kazakhstan is popular with foreign tourists
Kazakhstan’s Foreign Minister Erzhan Kazykhanov meets ex Foreign Minister of Spain Miguel Angel Moratinos
Kazakhstan’s Foreign Minister Erzhan Kazykhanov meets ex Foreign Minister of Spain Miguel Angel Moratinos
7 countries have already confirmed participation in the 7th World Islamic Economic Forum
7 countries have already confirmed participation in the 7th World Islamic Economic Forum
Medvedev is now following Massimov on Twitter
Medvedev is now following Massimov on Twitter
Massimov called information the most valuable product
Massimov called information the most valuable product
HIV sexual transmission doubled in Kazakhstan
HIV sexual transmission doubled in Kazakhstan
Kazakhstan has to become an innovation-driven country by 2020
Kazakhstan has to become an innovation-driven country by 2020
Autobahn to be built from Almaty to Kapshagai
Autobahn to be built from Almaty to Kapshagai
Mercedes 125-anniversary World Drive at risk of failure: accident in Kazakhstan
Mercedes 125-anniversary World Drive at risk of failure: accident in Kazakhstan
Kazakhstan President instructed to move Almaty markets outside the city
Kazakhstan President instructed to move Almaty markets outside the city
KazSat-2 confirmed to be in working condition
KazSat-2 confirmed to be in working condition
Kazakhstan to spend 1% of its GDP on innovations by 2014
Kazakhstan to spend 1% of its GDP on innovations by 2014
Massimov and Vekselberg discuss cooperation between Kazakhstan and Skolkovo
Massimov and Vekselberg discuss cooperation between Kazakhstan and Skolkovo
New US Ambassador to Kazakhstan to come from Iraq in September
New US Ambassador to Kazakhstan to come from Iraq in September
Putin found no oil in Kazakhstan part of the Caspian shelf
Putin found no oil in Kazakhstan part of the Caspian shelf