site.news_by_theme Kazakhstan
McDonald's entering Kazakh market
A McDonald's in Almaty, the biggest city in Kazakhstan, is to be launched May 1 on Arbat, the main pedestrian zone. The fast food outlet in Astana is to be launched June 1 in Khan Shatyr shopping mall.
28 March 2014
Russian rocket lands near Kazakh village
A Russian rocket has unexpectedly slumped near Shungay village in Bokeiorda region of West Kazakhstan Oblast.
28 March 2014
Melt waters besiege villages in eastern Kazakhstan
Several villages have been flooded with melt waters in eastern Kazakhstan.
28 March 2014
Kazakhstan’s Foreign Ministry puzzled over Ukraine’s diplomatic note sent to Kazakhstan
Obviously, sending the diplomatic note was driven by overt emotions, rather than common sense: Kazakhstan’s Foreign Minister.
28 March 2014
Fuel prices to remain unchanged in Kazakhstan until mid year: Oil Minister
According to him, even if they have to work incurring certain losses, the KMG National Oil Company will be maintaining the prices at the declared level regardless of the marketing economy rules.
28 March 2014
Boxing: Golovkin yields Best Eastern European Fighter title to Klitschko
Kazakhstan's Gennady 'GGG' Golovkin has yielded the first place in the 10 Best Eastern European Fighters ranking to Ukrainian boxer Wladimir Klitschko.
28 March 2014
Nazarbayev on crime rates, urban planning and traffic in Almaty
President Nazarbayev has discussed key aspects of development of Almaty.
28 March 2014
Truck with 40 cows flips over in Atyrau
A horrible car accident happened near Atyrau in western Kazakhstan. The site resembled a battlefield even though no people were killed.
28 March 2014
Nazarbayev and Putin discuss priorities
Nursultan Nazarbayev and Vladimir Putin have a complete mutual understanding on all the aspects of the bilateral cooperation.
27 March 2014
Alcohol ads ban: nearly 100 websites closed in Kazakhstan
92 websites have been banned by Kazakhstan courts for violating the law prohibiting advertisement of alcohol.
27 March 2014
Legislative amendments: Participation in foreign armed conflicts is criminal offence in Kazakhstan
Participation in foreign armed conflicts has become a criminal offence in Kazakhstan.
27 March 2014
Will anti-Russian sanctions affect Kazakhstan?
President Nazarbayev has assured that Kazakhstan will not suffer from the economic sanctions imposed on Russia by some of the countries.
27 March 2014
What is behind anti-vaccination movements in Kazakhstan?
Every day there are more and more parents refusing to get their children vaccinated for religious reasons.
27 March 2014
Fighting to save ancestral bones: Scythian burial mounds to be opened for public
Scythian burial mounds will be opened for public in Issyk town located 50km east of Almaty.
27 March 2014
Spring road repair works underway: 2 million square meters to be repaired
The Ministry of Transport and Communication is planning to repair 1.7 million square meters of Kazakhstan roads.
27 March 2014
KazTransOil to increase oil pumping tariffs
KazTransOil will increase oil pumping tariffs on exported oil starting from April.
27 March 2014
Kazakhstan, Russia and Belarus to launch a single banking regulator by 2025
According to Russia’s First Vice PM Igor Shuvalov, there is an agreement for the single regulator to be based in Kazakhstan.
26 March 2014
Kazakhstan’s President meets his Kyrgyz counterpart Almazbek Atambayev
As compared to 2011, the annual trade turnover has grown by 41%, exceeding $1 billion: Nazarbayev.
26 March 2014
Kazakhstan appoints new ambassador to Bahrain
Bakhyt Batyshev has been appointed new Ambassador of Kazakhstan in the Kingdom of Bahrain.
26 March 2014