Obama: Navy Yard shooting must inspire gun law changePresident Barack Obama used a memorial service for the victims of America's latest mass shooting on Sunday to make another impassioned appeal to reform gun ownership laws.
23 September 2013
Obama urges new gun laws, swift Congress action unlikelyPresident Barack Obama called on Congress Tuesday to tighten gun laws after the latest in a "ritual" of shooting massacres, but lawmakers admitted there is insufficient support for new legislation.
18 September 2013
Bloomberg to donors: shun US senators over gun vote New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg personally wrote Wednesday to hundreds of Big Apple donors, asking them to stop funding four Democratic senators who opposed tougher gun laws in Congress.
13 June 2013
US reels after 5-year-old kills sister with 'my first rifle' The accidental shooting death of a two-year-old at the hands of her five-year-old brother has revived the perennial gun debate in the United States, where weapons are made just for kids.
03 May 2013
Obama slams 'shameful' defeat of US gun reform Bristling with anger, President Barack Obama branded Wednesday's defeat of his gun reform drive in the US Senate as "shameful," and accused lawmakers of caving in to the powerful firearms lobby.
US senators reach deal on gun-sale background checks Senators struck a hard-fought compromise Wednesday that could expand US background checks to all commercial firearms sales, which may result in the most ambitious change to gun laws since 1994.
11 April 2013
Obama slams Republicans for gun reform 'stunts' President Barack Obama accused Republicans of stooping to political stunts Monday to block gun reform, in a fervent appeal delivered close to the site of the Newtown school massacre.
09 April 2013
Connecticut senate backs toughest US gun law Senate legislators in Connecticut, where a gunman massacred 20 small children and six adults in December, passed the toughest US law on owning military-style rifles.
04 April 2013
Gun legislation getting holstered on Capitol Hill Three months after Newtown, the prospects for President Barack Obama's ambitious gun control measures have dimmed, as hopes for expanded background checks clash with stubborn political realities.
10 March 2013
Biden's home defense advice: buy a shotgun! Vice President Joe Biden told Americans Tuesday that a few blasts of a shotgun should be ample for self defense, as he pushed White House gun reform plans.
20 February 2013
Has politics weighed on Oscars race? Perhaps it is no surprise, given that 2012 was a US election year, but this year's Oscars crop includes a heavy dose of politics -- which has arguably influenced Hollywood's top awards race.
19 February 2013
Ted Nugent scratches his Obama itch after speech As promised, rocker and gun enthusiast Ted Nugent was on his best behavior at President Barack Obama's State of the Union address on Tuesday, but he let loose with some colorful criticism afterward.
13 February 2013
Obama's emotional gun control push at heart of speech President Barack Obama brought the wounds inflicted by the recent spate of shooting deaths to Congress Tuesday, ending his State of the Union address with an emotional plea for tougher gun control.
13 February 2013
US lawmakers introduce gun trafficking bill Lawmakers from both parties unveiled a bill Tuesday cracking down on "straw purchasers" who traffic firearms to criminals, the first in a series of new gun control measures expected in Congress.
06 February 2013
Thousands march in Washington for gun control Thousands of people marched in Washington on Saturday to demand stronger gun control legislation, in a solemn rally six weeks after the shock massacre of young children at a Connecticut school.
27 January 2013
Obama unveils sweeping gun control measures President Barack Obama Wednesday demanded an assault weapons ban and universal background checks for gun buyers as part of sweeping gun control measures in response to the Newtown school massacre.
18 January 2013
Gun lobby slams 'elitist hypocrite' Obama The US gun lobby lashed out at President Barack Obama Tuesday as an "elitist hypocrite" for providing Secret Service protection to his daughters but balking at having armed guards in all schools.
16 January 2013
Obama backs new gun reforms as Newtown grievesPresident Barack Obama pledged Monday to vigorously pursue "sensible" gun control but, a month after a school massacre traumatized America, questioned whether tough new laws could pass Congress.