site.news_by_theme Europe

EU faces 'unprecedented humanitarian, political crisis': Timmermans Europe is facing an "unprecedented humanitarian and political crisis" as it struggles with the huge influx of refugees and migrants, the European Commission's vice-president Frans Timmermans said.
04 сентября 2015
France confirms wing part found on Reunion is from MH370 French prosecutors confirmed Thursday that a wing part found on a remote Indian Ocean island was from ill-fated Malaysia Airlines flight MH370.
04 сентября 2015
Migrants storm re-opened Budapest train station Several hundred migrants stormed into Budapest's main international train station early Thursday after police re-opened it following a two-day standoff
03 сентября 2015
Queen Elizabeth's reign rooted in ancestor Victoria Queen Victoria and Queen Elizabeth II, Britain's longest-reigning monarchs, both came to the throne young yet remained a steady presence through eras of dramatic change.
03 сентября 2015
Vitaly Churkin, Russia's permanent representative to the UN. ©RIA Novosti Russia holds up start of UN Syria chemical weapons probe Russia said it was considering details of how to establish a UN team to investigate chemical weapons attacks in Syria.
03 сентября 2015
'Difficult' to finish EU-Cuba talks this year: EU official The EU and Cuba have made good progress in normalisation talks but getting an accord this year, the stated aim of both sides, may prove difficult.
03 сентября 2015
Wounded Angel Emir Baigazin's Wounded Angel to premier in 2016 Internationally acclaimed film director Emir Baigazin has completed his second film of the Wounded Angel trilogy.
03 сентября 2015
Nazarbayev discusses cooperation with President of Serbia Tomislav Nikolic President of Serbia Tomislav Nikolic visited Astana and met Kazakhstan president Nazarbayev.
02 сентября 2015
Igor Shuvalov, First Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation. ©RIA Novosti Russia's Aeroflot set to buy competitor Transaero Russia's state-controlled flagship airline Aeroflot is set to buy its struggling competitor Transaero.
02 сентября 2015
'We love Germany!', cry relieved refugees at Munich station "We love Germany," several young migrants yelled happily as they stumbled out of a train in Munich -- the last stop, they hope, of their long and perilous journey from war.
02 сентября 2015
EU to step up action against Mediterranean people smugglers The EU is preparing to step up action against people smugglers in the Mediterranean, actively seizing the boats which carry thousands of hapless migrants to Europe.
02 сентября 2015
Migrants using fake Syrian passports to enter EU: Frontex A market in fake Syrian passports has sprung up, particularly in Turkey, to help migrants and refugees enter the EU, the head of Europe's border agency Frontex said.
01 сентября 2015
20,000 march in Austria after migrant truck tragedy Around 20,000 people took to the streets of Vienna on Monday to demonstrate against ill-treatment of migrants.
01 сентября 2015
EU says deadly Kiev clashes 'very worrying' EU foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini expressed concern over "very worrying" deadly clashes in Kiev as Ukrainian lawmakers backed an autonomy plan for rebel regions.
01 сентября 2015
Ukraine president vows 'severe' punishment for instigators of deadly Kiev clashes Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko said those behind deadly Kiev clashes that erupted after a vote on autonomy for separatist eastern regions deserved severe punishment.
01 сентября 2015
Five dead in explosion at Spain fireworks factory At least five people died and another six were injured on Monday in an explosion at a fireworks factory in northeastern Spain.
01 сентября 2015
Migrants fleeing war, persecution must be let in: French PM People fleeing war and persecution must be welcomed into France, Prime Minister Manuel Valls said as Europe faces a mounting migrant crisis.
31 августа 2015
London's colourful Notting Hill Carnival kicks off London's Notting Hill Carnival kicked off with a riot of colour despite grey skies, in a celebration of Caribbean culture reputed as Europe's biggest street party.
31 августа 2015
EU ministers to meet September 14 for urgent migrant talks European Union home affairs ministers will hold emergency talks on September 14 in Brussels on the continent's escalating migration crisis.
31 августа 2015
Tsipras asks Greeks for outright majority in September vote Greece's ex-prime minister Alexis Tsipras called for voters in upcoming snap elections to give his radical left Syriza party a "strong mandate" to lead the crisis-hit nation.
31 августа 2015

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