site.news_by_theme Europe

Premature to talk about EU migrant quotas: Hungary's Orban Talking about imposing quotas on how many migrants each EU member state should take in is futile as long as Europe's outer borders are not secure.
07 сентября 2015
Ministers talk finance, seek to bolster climate pact Ministers and diplomats from 57 countries gathered in Paris to discuss the make-or-break issue of finance in a climate rescue deal to be sealed in the French capital in December.
07 сентября 2015
Pope calls for every European parish to take in refugee family Pope Francis called on every Catholic parish in Europe to take in a refugee family, saying the Vatican's two parishes would lead by example.
07 сентября 2015
IMF chief says 'extremely encouraged' by Ukraine reforms IMF chief Christine Lagarde heaped praise on Ukraine's reform efforts in a visit to Kiev following a deal to restructure the country's debt burden.
07 сентября 2015
Pakistan marks 50th anniversary of India war amid tensions Pakistan marked the 50th anniversary of its second war with arch-rival India, weeks after the two nuclear powers faced off in some of their deadliest skirmishes for over a decade.
07 сентября 2015
Czech president backs predecessor's anti-immigration petition Czech President Milos Zeman expressed support for an anti-immigration petition launched by his euro-sceptic predecessor Vaclav Klaus.
07 сентября 2015
Thousands of refugees receive warm welcome in Germany Germany readied for hundreds more refugees to arrive from Hungary via Austria, a day after thousands were greeted, often by volunteers holding signs that read "Welcome to Germany".
07 сентября 2015
Britain's Emily Watson to be honoured at San Sebastian festival British actress Emily Watson will receive a lifetime achievement award at Spain's San Sebastian film festival.
05 сентября 2015
Catalonia head says parliament majority enough to secede from Spain Catalonia's president vowed to begin seceding from Spain if pro-independence parties win a majority of seats -- not votes -- in regional parliament elections set for later this month.
05 сентября 2015
Greece's Tsipras hints at possible vote deal with socialists Greece's former leader Alexis Tsipras has opened the door to a coalition with rivals on the left should his Syriza party fail to win a majority in elections in two weeks' time.
05 сентября 2015
Putin says Assad agrees to early parliamentary polls Russian President Vladimir Putin said that Syrian President Bashar al-Assad was willing to hold early parliamentary elections and share power with the "healthy" opposition.
05 сентября 2015
Between hope and despair, migrants board buses for Austria "According to the Hungarian government, there will be free buses to take you to the last town before the border," shouts a man urgently in Arabic through a megaphone.
05 сентября 2015
©REUTERS Contract that launched The Beatles up for sale The contract that launched the career of The Beatles will be sold in London later this month and is expected to fetch up to £500,000 (681,000 euros, $760,000).
05 сентября 2015
Britain 'to take thousands more Syrian refugees' Britain promised to take in thousands more Syrian refugees and give 100 million pounds in extra aid, as their plight raised pressure on European leaders.
05 сентября 2015
EU officials booed by Greek island residents over migrant crisis Angry protesters greeted top EU officials visiting the Greek island of Kos on Friday to see the impact of the migrant crisis.
05 сентября 2015
UN calls for up to 200,000 refugees to be shared among EU states The UN High Commissioner for Refugees called on the European Union to admit up to 200,000 refugees as part of a "mass relocation programme".
04 сентября 2015
British, Spanish PM urge 'real' reform of eurozone The prime ministers of Britain and Spain called for a "real reform of the eurozone" that makes growth and free trade a priority.
04 сентября 2015
Premature to talk about Russian military action against IS: Putin Russian President Vladimir Putin said it was premature to talk about Russia taking part in military operations against the Islamic State group.
04 сентября 2015
Wildfires threaten Russia's unique Lake Baikal Raging wildfires have turned the shores of the world's largest freshwater lake in Siberia into an inferno, threatening the health and livelihood of locals.
04 сентября 2015
Hundreds attend London pop-up picnic dressed in white Hundreds of people dressed all in white attended an elegant pop-up picnic in London in an event aimed to celebrate public space in cities.
04 сентября 2015

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